domenica 29 aprile 2012

Mellow Yellow Couture

Sorry for double-posting in such a short amount of time, but I feel rawther blog-y today, so I decided to, well, blog! I've got a fashion post right now, so get inspired... 
Take this Aéropostale pink polo shirt A87 Solid Polo - Aéropostale® under these wacky-yet-cool shorts with suspenders + cute li'l yellow jelly sandals  and then accessories: a yellow double-headband to match the jelly shoes  + filigree-type earrings  + cool beaded bracelet I found off of a crafts blog *nice work!*  ... My favorite part of the outfit was definitely the shoes; I modeled the whole outfit around them. 

Think Geek's Cool Inventory in a Nutshell

Whew! After a long day yesterday including:
~ realizing that I couldn't go to an 8-in-the-morning track practice (partly with glee) because of my allergies acting up
~ tagging along with my bestie's Girl Scout troop for a day at a campsite
~ and stocking up on classics (such as Gone with the Wind, recommended by my good blogging friend, Rocker 123) at the library, I was happy to get back home! Now I have a medium-sized post (so far!) about one of my new favorite websites to buy things:! The other day I bought this adorable little plastic plant called a Flip Flap Solar Plant, and here's the way it works: by energy of the sun, so there are no batteries needed. All you gotta do is put it on a windowsill or somewhere that has easy access to constant sunlight, and you're good to go! Here's the link for those of you who want to check it out.
While I was surfing this newfound site, I found another funny thing here as well, but opted against buying it as it was a little pricey for something that you might not use too often. Here it is, folks: the stupendous Finger Tentacles: and the super-hilarious video that goes along with it (try to ignore this guy's disgusting earrings):
Have fun enjoying this interesting website, especially if you're a geek like me! 

venerdì 27 aprile 2012

The Song, About a Person Who Sat on a Baby

~The Song~
Eeny Meeny Sicilini Oo-op Bopalini Avacachi Liverachi
I love you!!
Take a peach, take a plum,
Take a stick of bubble gum.
No peach, no plum,
NO stick of bubble gum. :'(
I saw you with your boyfriend laaast night
How do I know? I looked out the window; noooosy!
I didn't do my homework; laaaaaazy!
I sat on a baby, must be craazy, that's why they call me!
Eeny meeny Sicilini Oo-op Bopalini Avacachi Liverachi
I love you!!!

A Note to the Following Reading People: This lovely serenade was written here by my trusty friend, Polka, who is an aspiring songwriter. Enjoy! There's also a hand game that goes with it; I'll show you that one later on.

Hiya again, all! Well, guess who, out of ALLL the teams in the Greek Olympics (Corinth for Mrs. Carcich, Sparta for Mr. Boyle, Athens for Mrs. Myhre, Megara for us Fullamers, Delphi for Mrs. Sabs, and Argos for Mr. Doherty), guess who won??? Oh yeah, it was the Megarians! VIIIIIVA us! LOL. We were pretty rockin' out there, despite the fact that it was oh-my-gum-oh-so-bone-chilling out there in the wind. But still. We made a little team cheer that we sang a lot, which I don't really understand and goes... like... this: 
One Person of the Group: Megara! What is your profession?
Rest of the Group: A-oo! A-oo!
Hey, it was fun! And now I'm officially flummoxing (a result from my thesaurus searching, naturally) myself by using the double--no, triple--negatives! Ai yai yai :)

giovedì 26 aprile 2012

Cruisin' Back to Ancient Greece

     Hey guys! I'm back, and SO very sorry I abandoned you for a while there. But I'm back! Our ASK testing is over (Assessment of Skills and Knowledge), and I can relax, so HUZZAH! :) 
     In S.S., we've been learning about ancient Greece and mythology (my favorite!), so in lieu of learning stuff on the only day of the week that we don't have ASK, we're having the Greek Olympics! Isn't that splendiferous? My homeroom (we're Fullamers, as we like to be called) is the city-state Megara, so our team color is blue. Good thing I have so many blue clothes! Although I suppose I'd have it better off if our color was purple, because I have abundant amounts of purple shirts. But still. I like blue; it's all good! Anyhow, getting rawther *Eloise! lawl* sidetracked here... during the Olympics, we'll somehow be using torches (for what, I don't actually know) made out of paper towel holders and yellow and pink (we didn't have red or orange) paper, which we curled with scissors. I'm now addicted to curling paper, and that'll be my new art craze. Forget God's eyes!! Psh. They are SO yesterday! :D I crack myself up sometimes... not sure if that's a good thing... I'll do a craft post on the curled paper; hopefully it won't be as confusing as my first craft post. If you haven't realized by now, I am a pretty horrible teacher. So wish us Fullamers and Megara luck on the Olympics tomorrow! Hopefully all those track practices have come in handy.
     Lastly, I just have a pretty li'l dress (but to be worn with jeans) by DVF that I absolutely, positootly lurve! I found it when I was out shoppin' with my trusty maternal unit (wink wink, Mummy dear), but unfortunately I was forced to give it up. But I won't ever stop loving it!! Hope you'll love it as much as I do:  Of course, I have another one that is the same dress, but in a different pattern:  And finally, the outfit (minus the jeans and the ever-important accessories) wouldn't be complete without a cute pair of shoes, which are from the same collection, and which I wasn't allowed to purchase because the heels were too high:  Additional Note About the Shoes: The heels may not look high in the picture, but the bigger the shoe size was, the bigger the heel was, so the shoe in MY size had a too-high heel. Just clearing that up!
     Stay natty (a word I found when I was doing my thesaurus searching, which is my new favorite pastime! I'm trying to s-t-r-e-t-c-h my vocabulary, so I take a word I use often; example of 'stylish', then I thesaurus it and find cool words like 'natty'!! LOL),
<3 <3 <3 PINKY ALLA MODA <3 <3 <3

lunedì 23 aprile 2012

DIY Craft Post: Popsicle-Stick Eyes (sounds pretty weird, huh? Don't I know it.)

gods_eye.gif (18215 bytes)
I don't think I've ever done a craft post before, but it's never too late to start, right? Today we'll be learning about (I sound like a cooking show! Hi, my name is Rachael Ray...) god's eyes, which sound really weird but are really fun to make! Here's a picture of one (note that these are just MINI god's eyes; the ones I usually make are much bigger):
       I was researching these guys on Google, and I discovered a bunch of cool stuff about them. So here's a quick-but-cool (at least I think so, but then again, that's me, the history geek) S.S. lesson about "Ojos de Dios", or "Eyes of God". Pretty interesting stuff. Apparently these crafts were started by the ancient Huichol of Mexico. The central "eye" in the middle was made when a child was born, and each year a bit of yarn was added until the child turned five, when the eye was complete. Nice work, historical guys!
      Here's what you'll need to make these God's eyes:
~string/yarn (single-colored, or multi-colored like the Huichol!)
~Popsicle sticks (to make the mini ones, just use mini craft sticks)
~optional: tacky glue (I don't ever use glue for these; more about that later)

Aaaand now here's what to do:
     1. Glue two Popsicle sticks together, forming an X. Glue the end of the string to the middle where your sticks cross, or tie the string around the middle.
     2. Start by wrapping the string over and around one "leg" of one craft stick, then over and around the next leg. Pull the string tight each time, and push it toward the center. Here's a picture of how the back of the eye should look: 
godseye.gif (2175 bytes)
     3. Continue until the craft sticks are covered. If you still haven't really gotten how to weave the yarn around the sticks, there's another picture to show you how to do it at the bottom. 
If you want, you can glue the end of the string to the back of the God's eye, or (this is what I do) just take the very end of the string and push it through the back of the eye and smooth it out. Good luck!

 Ciao for now! <3 <3 <3 PINKY

sabato 21 aprile 2012

Well, I've Gone and Done It!

The name of this post says it all: I've changed my blog name to "Proud to Be Geek Chic" (mwah ha ha; it's my creepy laugh for no reason. Don't we all need one of those once in a while?), and also changed my background (nothing new here, I do this about half a million times). I hope you like the new changes! Here's this funny picture that my friend introduced to me that makes me think immediately of the phrase 'smart cookie'! It looks rawther adorable *quoting Eloise, who I LURVE!* if you ask me. Tahhh-doodle:  Love your shades, Mr. Cookie... I'd like a pair! 

venerdì 20 aprile 2012

An Important Matter to Discuss

OK all, here's this very important matter to discuss among my blog audience: I was wondering whether I should change the name of my blog, seeing as I don't actually blog that much about the Westing Game. Since it's pretty pointless to have the name something that doesn't even relate to me, I think I should change it! I just want to tell y'all in advance that changing the name of the blog doesn't mean changing the web address, it just means that when you get onto my blog, instead of seeing '8 Perfect Pairs of Heirs' you'll see something different. Now, what should that something different be? Here are some ideas:

~Proud to Be Geek Chic Comment: I thought of this from my friend, who routinely calls me Geeky Chic-y Pinky. The funny part is that it's all true, and I am TOTALLY proud to call myself geek chic! :)
~Secrets of a Pink Fashionista Comment: Not much to explain here, but y'know... question: does that make you think of Victoria's Secret Pink at all? 'Cause I don't want to be identified as that, LOL. Pur-lease feel free to let me know!
~Half-Baked Comment: This was brought on by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, aka awesome people, aka founders of Ben and Jerry's, *oh yeah!!* because of their awesome collaborative ice cream flavor, and also the term 'half-baked idea', which is said if an idea isn't very thought-out. I was thinking of lettering that differently, like "HaLf-BaKeD", and you can tell me what you think of that too. And I don't mind criticism, 'long as it's constructive...
~Pinky alla Moda Comment: P-a-M comes from my *nonexistent but wish-it-were-there-and-it-almost-is* Italian side, from which 'alla moda' translates to 'with fashion' or 'fashionable'. So, basically it means 'Fashionable Pinky', although I like to think of it as 'Pinky Got Style' ;)
~Busy: Gone Blogging Comment: OK, yeah, this one is seriously lame. But I just like the look of more names on my list :) because I lead myself on that I'm creatively thinking of these names. Oh brother, me! Lawl

And... yeah! That's pretty much it. You guys can tell me if you agree with any, or if you have any great ideas of your own by commenting! Thanks SO very much in advance (that's right! that's how confident I am in you guys)! Stay creative and awesome sauce :)

mercoledì 18 aprile 2012

Michael Jackson is Made Famous at Track Practice

Now normally, I would be excited for track, but not if it's raining. I've had enough bad experiences (mostly involving muddy me and muddy shot puts) to discover that track + rain don't mix. But I guess I'll just have to tough up and try to enjoy myself. Not that hard, right? :) Today's practice will probably be filled to the brim with smiles, sneakers, and funny impersonations of Michael Jackson (the best one is me and my friends moonwalking our warm-up lap and singing our own version of Smooth Criminal). That sounds pretty good to me! See you guys soon!

stay cool,

P.S. Wish me luck on my oral prez tomorrow!! *Yikes*

lunedì 16 aprile 2012

Converse Hall of Fame

Too much homework, too little time, I say! But here's that post I promised you yesterday, and I hope y'all like Converse! They're my absolute, positoots favorite kind of shoe (although there are times when flip-flops DO tend to fall into that exclusive category), and I hope my love for them will be contagious. So just sit back and enjoy the show!
  This one's a SCORE!!  

Hope you liked the selection! Bye 4 now :)

domenica 15 aprile 2012

ACK!! Maybe if I Say I Have Laryngitis... How Do You Spell That, Anyway?

Well, I'm just gonna cut to the chase right here: on Thursday, April 19, 2012, I'm in for the scare of my life: an oral presentation in S.S. I am SOOOO very freaked out because I absolutely despise talking in front of a lot of people, and I'm going to have to do it for APPROXIMATELY 3-4 MINUTES, in front of my whole class!! WHY?? OK, OK, so the rest of my class is doing the same exact thing, some of them during the same class period as me, but still. I know I might be sounding like a drama queen, but I'm an extremely shy person. That's why I love blogging so much, because I don't have to actually talk to all of you guys out there, I can just write. Writing's my thing, and that's probably why I feel more comfortable emailing than calling someone (unless you want a voicemail that goes something like this: "Um, yeah, hi, it's me, you know, from our school that we go to, yeah, and um, soooo... do you want to, um, just, I don't know, DO something today, like you can, um, come over, unless you, you know, have something to do, and um, yeah, that's OK if you have something to do. By the way, it's me... or did I say that already? Anyway, yeah, um, bye!" Talk about awkward!! Well, maybe I don't sound THAT bad, but I do sound pretty bad).
So I was wondering if anyone has any tips for speaking in front of a lot of people (we're not talking giving a speech at some big party with a bunch of celebrities here, but y'know, it seems like a lot for me), please feel free to share and comment! That would be SO great! And just to soothe me a bit, I think I'll also do a fashion post later today. Bye all, and thanks so much for listening to today's words of wisdom ;)

giovedì 12 aprile 2012

... At Least It's Not Strep!

Hey guys, I'm just enjoying (as much as I can) my sick day, because I have a virus and a fever this morning. But now my throat just hurts. So here's a video that's about a duck who asks a man running a lemonade stand for grapes. Release your inner little kid while watching! 

martedì 10 aprile 2012

For All You Gleeks Out There...

Quick, quick, VERY quick post just saying how absolutely, positootly happy I am that GLEE is starting again tonight! Finally, after the long break, we are reunited with this awesome show. Can't wait to see what'll happen! Quick poll: what do you guys think will happen to Quinn (after her car accident)?

I Love These Little Red Shoes

Sorry I haven't posted for a while; I've been rather busy... but here I am again! I'll start with some fashion, for those who appreciate it :) Voila! 
Here's a cute little romper (I was inspired by Nicole Vad) with a bow/belt from Forever 21   + cute cherry-colored oxfords  + blue and white argyle knee socks   and for the accessories... *drumroll, please* brightly-colored bangles    + indigo-slash-violet stud earrings + (finally) a little rose barrette to bring out the color in the shoes!  I hope you liked this outfit! I'm sure it's not for everyone, but personally I like it. I'm aware that I sometimes take fashion risks! :) See y'all soon and stay stylish from PINKY*~*~*~*

lunedì 2 aprile 2012

Thank Gum for Wi-Fi in the Lobby!

Hey y'all, I'm up and blogging here in sunny Puerto Rico! I just realized there was wi-fi in the lobby of my hotel, and after a refreshing dessert of half a chocolate chip scone, my dad and I came down from our room to spend some Internet-connected time to the FULLEST!! So anyhow, I'll start to recap my "adventures" here from the plane to right now. So, here we go :) OK, my whole family of five is in the plane (we're flying Delta, for those that want to know) and I'm, of course, entertaining myself one way or another, either by watching Glee episodes from Season 1, working on my little bowl made of magazines, or reading iBooks on my iPod. Meanwhile, the Puerto Ricans (all in the front of the plane, for some reason) are PARTYING (and when I say partying, I mean singing, laughing hysterically, and believe it or not, one guy actually has a tambourine). Me and my dad are very amused by this, but seriously, that was NOTHING compared to what they were doing when the plane touched down. They were throwing their hands in the air (makes you think of Taio Cruz, doesn't it? LOL)like they were on a rollercoaster, and then they all cheered when we landed. It was in all a... very... eventful ride. Naturally we were pretty much exhausted after the ride, so as soon as we got to the hotel, we just fell asleep. But today was fun cause we got to explore the property. To be nice and quick, I went snorkeling (sadly, no squids were spotted, but there WERE some pretty cool coral reefs, and colorful fish), swam in pools, got extremely sunburned on my knees (WHY??), fed fish Puerto Rican food, ate some myself, and watched the amazing wildlife right outside my window. This includes peacocks (and let me tell you, they make the weirdest noises), turkeys, geckos (one actually dropped its tail off, right in front of me!!), and fish. Very cool. I'd say this trip is so far, so good! Blog you later, Pinky

domenica 1 aprile 2012

Puerto Rico or Bust

I am definitely enjoying our spring break so far, especially since I'm so very excited... I'm leaving for the airport to go to Puerto Rico in almost 2 hours!! Oh yeah :) I'm most excited about:
1) snorkeling with squids (yes, squids! Yes, snorkeling with actual squids!!)
2) swimming (nothing much to explain there; who doesn't love swimming?)
3) wearing my summer clothes (can't wait to showcase all my flowy skirts and such)
4) just being on vacation (since traveling is my thing)

I'm sorry I might not be able to blog for a while, but I'll fill y'all in when I get back. But if I can mobile-blog from my iPod, that's great! See ya!!

Stay cool, Pinky :D

P.S. April Fools!! I'm not going to Puerto Rico!!! Hahaha
... April Fools to the April Fools!! I am going to Puerto Rico, haha. Now I'm confusing myself! ~*~Ciao~*~