I thought doing a different-kinds-of-artists compilation sorta post would be fun and interesting (off-topic, but my little bro gets so annoyed when he tries to say 'interesting', because he can't, but he loves to use the word. "Intessu--innersta--itnesing--MOOOOM!"), so here we are! These guys' aesthetics are all so different, but super cools at the same time. Maybe you'll even be inspired...
to their site.
<----the a="" and="" artists="" australian="" being="" but="" eye-popping="" fun="" gotta="" guidelines="" hence="" here="" href="http://www.pipandpop.com.au" in="" japan-inspired="" jumbles="" love="" make="" most="" names="" nbsp="" neon="" nothing="" of="" particular="" pip="" pop.="" pop="" radical="" s="" sparkly="" spunk="" such="" textured="" the="" their="" two="" who="" with="" work="">link----the>
<----the 3-d="" a="" and="" are="" awesome="" barnacles="" close="" clothing="" crazy="" designer="" don="" dress.="" dresses="" dutch="" even="" first="" from="" futuristic="" herpen="" honestly="" href="http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-01/geeks-guide-fashion-week" i="" idears.="" incredibly="" iris="" is="" it="" like="" look="" looks="" makes="" of="" or="" printer="" s="" second="" she="" so="" something.="" t="" that="" the="" these="" think="" third="" this="" two="" up="" van="" with="" work="">link----the>
to an article about this uniqueness on Popular Science.
<----a a="" across="" all="" amazing="" and="" art="" bikes="" bombing="" booths="" buses="" but="" cars="" cities="" coolest="" cover="" ever="" glimpse="" globe.="" good="" graffiti="" have="" how="" idea="" in="" is="" it="" just="" knit="" knitting="" like="" made="" manage="" me="" nbsp="" no="" of="" ol="" or="" p="" patterns...="" people="" phone="" plain="" pretty="" really="" rebellious.="" rebellious="" s="" sort="" statues="" street="" stuff="" the="" they="" thing="" this="" to="" trees="" who="" yarn="">----a>
⬆This is a pile of junk, up there. No, really. These robots, engineered and constructed by Colombian artist Mario Caicedo Langer, are made of old broken cell phones, windshield wipers, pipes, circuits, scraps of metal, lights, wire, nails and bolts, and other pieces of electronic trash, and somehow they manage to be real robots that have blinking lights and moving parts. Aren't they fabulous-looking? Functional robots made of phones. Have we found new geek role models today? Mwah ha ha.