Welcome, dearest amigos, to the magical wonderland we call "2013", where the so-called rapper Key Dollar-sign Ha writes slow ballads chock full of autotune, like that's supposed to enhance the mood or something (um... at least she tried?) and the world is (so far) not destined to end... whatever, some ol' quack will probably declare it the end of the world sometime in May. It happens, we get over it. Hopefully (hint, hint, folks) we will be exiting the realm of "
swag", the irrelevant "YOLO", and the whole mobscene of One Direction.
Today in Spanish we had to write our resolutions for the new year in our handy-dandy
cuadernos de español, and I started to write about my running goals, and suddenly! I had an epiphany! Well, not really. More like a scoff over humans these days. I thought to myself, hey, it's great that we're willing to get stuff done and have a successful year for ourselves, but if we REALLY want to change what we're doing, I think we shouldn't have to wait until January. Like Earth Day, we should be improving our lives RANDOMLY, not only on a specific day where half of us won't even follow through with our resolutions throughout the year anyway. What's the point? How about we just try to modify whenever modification is necessary? It'd be much more approachable like that. So here are my RIGHT-NOW resolutions, which have nothing to do with the new year except, ya know, everyone wants to hear about goals for the upcoming 12 months anyway. So here we are! Sorry for the Jenna Marbles-esque rant...
1. I would like to definitely run every single weekend without skipping unless I have legitimately NO time in my schedule to run. Wish me luck on that one, folks!
2. I would like to spend less time mindlessly playing Sudoku and Minesweeper (I know, I'm a major geek who may have puzzle issues). For real! You can lightly tap me with your elbow if you see me doing this...
3. I would like to eat more produce, because according to the Tarahumara, that is a major food staple that's great for running and, dur, overall health. And also eat more salads that aren't bland.
4. I would like to create a sewing area in my room and periodically rearrange my furniture because I *cough* may have a slight attention-span problem.
5. I would like to work on my Italian skills, because the Gekottys got a brand-spanking new Rosetta Stone Italian kit-thang that I really haven't been doing anything with. Oh, me. What if we move to Italy on a whim then, huh? And we don't even know Italian? Prob-lem.
6. I would like to cook stuff that isn't only dessert or peanut butter and Nutella or mac n' cheese, enough said, yeah?
That's about all I can think of! Be sure to share your resolutions through comments, and enjoy your new year!