As a certain four people (#theband) may know, I'm sort of a fail in terms of chopsticks. But they're so cool! So after I publicly embarrassed myself at dim sum about a month ago with said Asian people, I decided that I should really get in some chopsticks practice for myself and become respected whenever I attempt to eat sticky rice or something along those lines. To help me on my food-ish foody food-esque food-related journey, I'm going to try to make it fun for myself by looking at madly cool pictures of pop culture-related chopsticks! And you guys get to observe along with me! OMG OMG OMG

Here we are. Click on the names to go to the link and the picture!
-Lightsaber chopsticks (red = Darth Vader, blue = Luke Skywalker (Luuuuke), green = Yoda)
-Nunchops! (nunchucks, but chopsticks)
-Flosticks (they look like twigs...?)
Haha, but those chopsticks are BOSS! You should get Ouran ones too :P
RispondiEliminaYou're telling me! LOL yeah, we should totally make those. With the heads of Kyoya and the twins and Renge on them xD great way to spend a day. We should do that on a Sunday sometime, just make shirts and Ouran chopsticks...