venerdì 16 marzo 2012

First Performance: BEFORE

Oh my gum, I am sooooo very freaked out right now; not nearly as much as when we did our school performance, but still... AIIIIII I have to leave now!! 'Cause we have to be there at 5:45, so we gots to leave @ 5:30 (well, it's 5:29 to be exact, but no one's timing me!)... wish me luck! I don't appreciate the phrase "break a leg" because that is a bad thing, and that is the LAST thing I want to happen to me on stage (besides the audience throwing rotten fruit). So, no breaking legs here, and CIAO!! 
Your *starstruck blogger*, Pinky

2 commenti:

  1. Hey May! WE DID IT!!! 3 down 1 t go today! We're gonna rock it! You did awwweeeesoomeeeeeeee. (A certain talking-fast fiend agrees) Adios!

  2. Totally!! We were great! And I looooooooved the program; I loved seeing everyone's family being so supportive towards the whole cast. Thanks, Madmoo, you were TOTALLY AWESOME SAUCE too! So proud of all of us :) *yeahhhh Toibo*
