lunedì 19 marzo 2012

Summer Weather in March... Score!

Well, it's definite. I, Pinky, have caught SPRING FEVER. And bad! Regardless of my *sniffle sniffle* allergies to pollen, I am determined to spend as much time as possible outside in the glorious sunshine (don't you just love that word? Gloooorious!). Doing my homework outside, sitting in my special tree in my front yard (that is about to break from me, I'm sure of it!!!) outside, walking around outside, reading like the bookworm I am outside, plus I'll be doing my annual sport of track starting NEXT WEEK, *yippee!* so I'll be doing that outside too. Of course, I'll be sneezing, coughing, rubbing my eyes, and sniffling constantly, but I guess that's the price I'll have to pay. I'll also be using my worst fear: eye drops!! My eyes just involuntarily close when I'm trying to drop some in, and it's SOOO annoying! But if I DON'T open my eyes, then they'll stay puffy, red, and itchy for the rest of the day!! Grrr. At least I don't mind my allergy medication (like my Zyrtec and Singulair) as much... good thing I know how to swallow! Which is more than I can say about my eyes!! Hint, hint, eyes.
Ahhh... all the plants are blossoming so early!! Or, as my mom tells my little brother, that the ground was tricked by the warm weather, so it thinks that it's time for the flowers to come out. Pur-lease, warm weather, trick the ground more often!!! Ciao for now, ~*~Pinky~*~

7 commenti:

  1. Hey May! I TOTES agree that this weather is AMAZING! I spent all day outside, too, and don't worry, we will still ove you with your allergy eyes...probably...;D Adios!

  2. hi! I just became a member of your blog and it's awesome!!! :D

  3. Cool, Nicole! Glad you like it! Be sure to give me feedback... and I don't mind if it's negative. Thanks for joining!! :)

    1. Ok! but there is nothing negative i have to say cause it's awesome!

    2. Aww, thanks :) But seriously, if you do, it's fine!!

  4. And hey, hey, hey, Addiemay!!! And you think you're getting away with this? I don't think so... :P
