OK, I am aware this is just about the understatement of the century, but it is hot. Very, VERY hot. So hot all my clothes are sticky, my hair is a disaster zone of frizz and humid curls, and my face is completely flushed. So this post's purpose is to (1) vent about the 90+ degree weather we've had (and DEVOID of air conditioning at school), and (2) create a fashion post for ways to stay cool on a really hot day. So voila! Here you go, and remember to wear light colors!
*John Lemon shirt (haha, Tess):
*ORANGE jean shorts; oh yeah:
*Yellow Converse high-tops with kewly design (I really wish that these weren't high-tops because they aren't exactly ideal for scorching days like today, but oh well):
*Polka-dotty bangles:
*C'est-adorable-oui? burnt orange flower hair clip:
*Plain ol' white polo shirt:
* Cool polka-dotty tie:
*Jean shorts:
*Striped pink and green belt so as to spice up the shorts a tad:
*Pink-soled canvas Vans sneakers (I know these are Nicole Vad's favorites!):
*Rainbow-striped barrettes, so to stay with the whole stripes theme:
And that's all for now, folks! I hope you've taken to mind these fashions and can get inspired by them to use your own creativity. See you guys and stay nutty like cashews...
*Wow* I'm so sorry I haven't posted in such a while, but in my defense, I have been rawther busy. I have so many school projects due in so little time! You would think it'd be the opposite, that we'd have less work at the end of the school year instead of more, but no-o-o-o! Instead, the teachers think it's a good idea to pack in as much work as they can. XP Let's see. In terms of projects/tests/final exams, we have...
~science fair, with projects due THIS FRIDAY!
~S.S. project due tomorrow (but it wasn't so bad; we had more than enough time)
~L.A. book report (and oh yes, it is an oral presentation. Help meeeee!) due June 4th
~Math and Spanish finals (Spanish I'm not worried about because it's one of my best subjects, but Math? Uh-uh. This is problematic)
~aaaand assorted tests and quizzes inside all of those projects. AGH! Plus Glee ended yesterday, and so did Touch (well, I might be exaggerating just a tad. Touch ends tomorrow, and it's a 2-hour season finale. Two hours of pure intrigue, suspense, and, well, awesomeness. LOL)
I'm just amusing myself right now by playing on the synthesizer (pretending I know what that is) on Google that's in honor of Bob Moog--that's a slightly unfortunate name--which I just got to work! It's fun if you have nothing to do... and I do hope there will be track today. I can't NOT impersonate MJ for more than 1... 2... 5 hours, and of course I'm going to do so at track with my friend Amour!
Now for a fashion post... I've recently joined polyvore.com (if only my friend Tessy Tennis Ball would read this blog!), which is a kewl ;) website where you get to make your own collages. My name is pinkyallamoda (of course... why is it that I'm so predictable?), in case anyone's wondering. So as I promised, style-style for y'all from my Polyvore account coming soon! As for now, here's just a cute dress I found that I like! Rock dem polka dots!
Hey audience! Guess what: I just made a new blog! With Project Post-It looming above us tomorrow, I am hoping and hoping for success. The link to my blog is we-are-project-post-it.blogspot.com (pretty dramatic title, huh?), and I hope my avid followers will check it out and, well, spread the love! Of course, I'll still be routinely updating Proud to be Geek Chic, just with another blog too. Look forward to some Post-Its...
Here's some cool architecture from around the world, which I've recently gotten into (maybe because my parents picnicked under the Eiffel Tower yesterday, or maybe because we're building the Empire State Building in one of our classes at school). Let's see. We've got the Leaning Tower of Pisa (been there, taken a picture of me trying but failing to look like I'm holding up the tower), the Seattle Space Needle (that is SO cool, I tell you!), Taipei 101 (one of the tallest buildings in the world), and naturally, the Eiffel Tower. Enjoy!

Welcome, earthlings. Take me to your leader! :)
Happy practically-Mother's Day! MY lucky mother is going to Paris con mi papa, so us kids (me and Heinous Brothers #s 1 and 2) will be staying with our doting grandparents. So we'll be leaving in a matter of minutes. I apologize if I don't blog as often 'cause I'll be using my grandma's computer (so happy it's a Mac!). Project Post-It still goin' strong! I can't wait to see the end result; I'm sure it'll be fabu! Ciao for now...
Pinky :D
Howdy folks! XD is it a bad thing that I crack only myself up? Whenever I tell a joke, I'm the only one who's laughing (and maniacally!). Oh brother...
Well! Yesterday, after my busy weekend schedule (busy for me; I usually spend the weekends in my pajamas, eating macaroni and cheese while on the computer) of running 1 and a quarter miles around my neighborhood, looking up Dr. Seuss quotes for Project Post-It, running to A.C. Moore to pick up some art supplies, and fantasizing of baking meringues with chocolate chips (I was too lazy, but I will try to make some today), I was looking through my many magazines that I only buy because I get to look forward to reading something brand new every month for crafts. *Whew* that was a l-o-o-o-o-n-g sentence right there! Anyway, I found some cool room-decorating activities, so I decided to make some. The first one I made was called Wall Flowers, where you stuck some artificial flowers without stems onto your wall with Sticky Tack. Here's an example of some flowers you could use:
At first it wasn't working for me at all, because the flowers were just falling off after about 10 seconds, but THEN I was enlightened and they FINALLY started to stick! It's a great craft to try, and also a great way to spice up your wall. Bye for now! *<*Pinky*>*
Hi guys! It's May 4th, and my nerdy-but-awesome science teacher has informed me that it's Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you!! ahaha). You'll be happy to see that I'm in a much better mood than I was on Tuesday, seeing as (a) it's Friday, (b) it's bee-you-tee-ful outside, and (c) I have a new project! My art hobbies (including curled paper; before that, permanent markers; before that, God's eyes; before that, collages; and before that, friendship bracelets) will have to make way for a slightly more important project. *drumroll please* PROJECT POST-IT! Here's what it is: on May 18, it will be our job to stock up on Post-Its.
Because Project Post-It--or P.P., as I will now call it--is all about making people feel great! On this noted date, I (and anyone else who is awesome and wants to help me) will write great notes, quotes, and generally anything that makes people feel happy and lucky to be themselves and stick 'em EVERYWHERE! Weeeell, maybe not everywhere, but you get my drift. At school, targets will be places like lockers, desks, and bathroom mirrors. You could also just write a note for anyone you see who looks down in the dumps. Everyone, let's do this thing! Think about it: if you were feeling sad for reasons of your own, how would you feel if you saw on your locker door, a cheerful, preferably pink Post-It saying, "<3 <3 Thanks for being awesome. You know you have a friend in me <3 <3" or something like that? It'd make you feel at least a tad better, right? So pass it on and spread the word! Join me in my quest and shower everyone who makes your life shine with Post-Its! Good luck...
Happy May, everyone! *Whew* it's kind of hard to get back in the groove of school and homework and all that after having ASK testing and no homework for a week. I'm pretty exhausted all day and I finish most of my homework while waiting for the bus after school ends in the caf, hyperventilating, holding my messenger bag (Romero Britto, bay-bee! LOL he's an awesome artist), jacket, and pencil and worrying that they're going to call, "Bus 2! BUS 2!" But I'll survive... I hope...
The due date for my science project's data is coming closer and closer, and my super-fabulous experimenting plan caved in all of a sudden. So now I'm stuck with some unbaked cakes, a questionnaire, and an oncoming deadline. Yahoo!
I'm sorry to be so negative on the first day of May--May!!--but this is just my warped way of being happy that school is PRACTICALLY over (in just seven weeks, says my S.S. teacher). So, fabulous! I've started a countdown in my room (very artsy, of course, and drawn with my trusty BIC permanent markers. Thanks, Dad!), but it was way off according to my family and math-genius brother. I put 50 days because I added up the 31 days in May and the first 19 of June, but apparently that wasn't right. Well, not a big deal! Nothing wrong with happily crossing out some extra days, right? Of course not! I'm not really sure what to post about right now, so I guess I'll be going. I'm SO sorry, faithful bloggers... blog y'all later!