*Wow* I'm so sorry I haven't posted in such a while, but in my defense, I have been rawther busy. I have so many school projects due in so little time! You would think it'd be the opposite, that we'd have less work at the end of the school year instead of more, but no-o-o-o! Instead, the teachers think it's a good idea to pack in as much work as they can. XP Let's see. In terms of projects/tests/final exams, we have...
~science fair, with projects due THIS FRIDAY!
~S.S. project due tomorrow (but it wasn't so bad; we had more than enough time)
~L.A. book report (and oh yes, it is an oral presentation. Help meeeee!) due June 4th
~Math and Spanish finals (Spanish I'm not worried about because it's one of my best subjects, but Math? Uh-uh. This is problematic)
~aaaand assorted tests and quizzes inside all of those projects. AGH! Plus Glee ended yesterday, and so did Touch (well, I might be exaggerating just a tad. Touch ends tomorrow, and it's a 2-hour season finale. Two hours of pure intrigue, suspense, and, well, awesomeness. LOL)
I'm just amusing myself right now by playing on the synthesizer (pretending I know what that is) on Google that's in honor of Bob Moog--that's a slightly unfortunate name--which I just got to work! It's fun if you have nothing to do... and I do hope there will be track today. I can't NOT impersonate MJ for more than 1... 2... 5 hours, and of course I'm going to do so at track with my friend Amour!
Now for a fashion post... I've recently joined polyvore.com (if only my friend Tessy Tennis Ball would read this blog!), which is a kewl ;) website where you get to make your own collages. My name is pinkyallamoda (of course... why is it that I'm so predictable?), in case anyone's wondering. So as I promised, style-style for y'all from my Polyvore account coming soon! As for now, here's just a cute dress I found that I like! Rock dem polka dots!

~science fair, with projects due THIS FRIDAY!
~S.S. project due tomorrow (but it wasn't so bad; we had more than enough time)
~L.A. book report (and oh yes, it is an oral presentation. Help meeeee!) due June 4th
~Math and Spanish finals (Spanish I'm not worried about because it's one of my best subjects, but Math? Uh-uh. This is problematic)
~aaaand assorted tests and quizzes inside all of those projects. AGH! Plus Glee ended yesterday, and so did Touch (well, I might be exaggerating just a tad. Touch ends tomorrow, and it's a 2-hour season finale. Two hours of pure intrigue, suspense, and, well, awesomeness. LOL)
I'm just amusing myself right now by playing on the synthesizer (pretending I know what that is) on Google that's in honor of Bob Moog--that's a slightly unfortunate name--which I just got to work! It's fun if you have nothing to do... and I do hope there will be track today. I can't NOT impersonate MJ for more than 1... 2... 5 hours, and of course I'm going to do so at track with my friend Amour!
Pinkhey! (I'm trying weird new ways to say hello so your going to hear somethings k). I also agree with u that we should get less work and I love that polka dot dress even though u know I don't wear dresses or skirts. But it would definitely look fabulishious on u.:)
RispondiEliminaP.S - I think I'm starting to like the necklace now thanx! :)
LOL! I love that Pinkhey tooey :) What a perfect hybrid!
EliminaThe extra work is OUTRAGEOUS! I'm just SO very glad the science *and* S.S. projects are over, phew. I'm proud of my science project, and you were so very prepared for it. I mean, come on, who else finished their ENTIRE project jes' about 2 weeks before it was due? YOU, honey! :D
I love it so much too! I wish I had it... oh well. And ya, I know you're not a fansay-frillay sort of person, but I think it'd look really cutesy on you! I'm so glad you lurve your necklace! The Object loves it too, I'm sure. You should wear it for the *event* that Amour and I are planning!
RispondiEliminaThanks a ton :) I'm SO very glad you joined P-t-B-G-C! I missed y'all on this guy. We really, really, REALLY need to hang out really, really, REALLY soon. We were going to invite your family over for Memorial Day, but I knew you were sick and wasn't sure you'd be up for it. Evidently, we're going to reschedule. Since SUMMER OH BEAUTIFUL SUMMER is almost here, we'll have plenty of time to partay. See y'all anon ;)
RispondiEliminaWell, thanks! And sure :)
EliminaOhhhh, I get it! As in POLYVORE. OK! I already friended you, but you can just look in your settings or whatevah.