Because Project Post-It--or P.P., as I will now call it--is all about making people feel great! On this noted date, I (and anyone else who is awesome and wants to help me) will write great notes, quotes, and generally anything that makes people feel happy and lucky to be themselves and stick 'em EVERYWHERE! Weeeell, maybe not everywhere, but you get my drift. At school, targets will be places like lockers, desks, and bathroom mirrors. You could also just write a note for anyone you see who looks down in the dumps. Everyone, let's do this thing! Think about it: if you were feeling sad for reasons of your own, how would you feel if you saw on your locker door, a cheerful, preferably pink Post-It saying, "<3 <3 Thanks for being awesome. You know you have a friend in me <3 <3" or something like that? It'd make you feel at least a tad better, right? So pass it on and spread the word! Join me in my quest and shower everyone who makes your life shine with Post-Its! Good luck...
did you create that? that's so nice and inspiring to do!
RispondiEliminaWell, I can't take credit for this überawesome idea (it was invented by this girl like in 2001 or something, but I think it's such a super-nice idea, I want to re-create it! The main idea of the girl's project was to just leave the notes for strangers, but I like the idea of making them personal for the people you know about! May the Fifth be with yooooou... :D
Eliminawow!! I would love to participate in this project! :D Count me in!
RispondiEliminaThanks a ton! I can't wait until the 18th; it'll be awesome!
EliminaYou are the best!
RispondiEliminaConsider this a cyber Post-It. Do they count?!
Aww, thanks!! They totally count!
EliminaYou are the best running partner/instructor!
hAY MAY!!!!!!!! so sweet!!!adios.
RispondiEliminaYay! Thanks for joining the squadron... await many delicious surprises.
Eliminaohhh ohhhh luv da word squadron!
Elimina-Guess who! I have 2 zz in my nickname by u and I don't like the nickname of my last name cuz its sumten u ring
Thanks! Me too :D
EliminaI know who you are 'cause JEZZEBEL! OK and wanna know how you can change the name of your profile instead of just plain ol' Anonymous?
Heyy Taylor! You are so creating and wonderful. I love this idea! And I love your squid!
RispondiEliminaThanks, Kim :) The squid is pretty awesome, I admit. And our project went AMAZINGLY! I'm so very happy about this. More people than I would have ever thought participated. It was awesome.