domenica 29 luglio 2012

Part Two of Just Singing in the Rain (read Part One first, please!)

     Phew... that was so fun! Two muddy feet and four decapitated mushrooms later, I'm back inside *sob* to take a break. I would definitely do that again... instead of watching TV during a nasty, rainy day, I'll run right outside into the downpour! My activities outside comprised of:
*cartwheeling into the mud
*leaping into the mud
*laughing in the rain
*hiding under the canopy of my favorite Japanese maple tree
*smashing my feet into the mud
*doing all my favorite dance moves from Just Dance 3 (hint--Dynamite, Pump It, and Forget You!) in the rain/mud
*messing up my hair with wild leaps
*generally having fun
     My friend called me when I was out there, and my dad told her to wait, seeing as I was "tumbling in the mud." Oh, Dad... ☺
     Stay refreshing like a sun shower, everyone!
P.S. Now, don't get all upset with me 'cause I didn't see a rainbow. In my defense, I did indeed look! I just couldn't find any. Sorry, rainbow lovers! I saw... mushrooms? And mud?  They're just soopercute! OK, bye for real!

2 commenti:

  1. When i looked out the window all i saw was rain and you flippin out in the grass.

  2. Hey May! I was mentioned..i just noticed that my comments have gotten shorter and shorter..huh....Adioos
