Why hello, everyone! After yesterday's... incident (sun showers ROCK, as you can see), I think I went a little off the deep end as far as rain, mud, and frizzy hair is concerned, but I'm back in black... er, purple. I realize I haven't done a Polyvore set on here in a while, so I'm going to do that. Before making the following, I constructed a set that I thought was pretty cute, but it was mostly geared toward the back-to-school, hello-September kind of theme, which I figured would probably be sorta depressing to some of you guys, so I'll save that for fall! Anyways... I give to you *trumpeting fanfare* THE ROYAL PURPLE OUTFIT! Huzzah, huzzah, and all that...
The Nikes, princessy top, and attention-grabbing polka-dot skirt isn't exactly what I would call a predictable combo, but as Project Runway mentor spectacular Tim Gunn often says--Make. It. Work! And I do believe I did (sorry for having a big head). Please send your feedback of this shall-we-say-interesting outfit through comments!
To Telt the Pelt, if you're reading this (and I hope you are!): can't wait to see you on Thursday, and here's a request: please, please, PLEASE update your blog! I miss it... ☹ On that happy note, I hope PAHM's performance of Wicked went well (yeahhh, Boq!), EJ had fun while making her animated movie of the old lady (?!?), AZ Flyer is having a blast in torrid Arizona, and Amour is enjoying the mosquitoes in Maine! xx Pinky

To Telt the Pelt, if you're reading this (and I hope you are!): can't wait to see you on Thursday, and here's a request: please, please, PLEASE update your blog! I miss it... ☹ On that happy note, I hope PAHM's performance of Wicked went well (yeahhh, Boq!), EJ had fun while making her animated movie of the old lady (?!?), AZ Flyer is having a blast in torrid Arizona, and Amour is enjoying the mosquitoes in Maine! xx Pinky
I will! lol Tay,Tay,Tay, can wait to see you the next day,day,day!
RispondiEliminaEJ? remember pregnant old ladies? CARLOS!
Hey May! Boq was great! You'll get your hat sat., promise! I lurve that hair, and i really want to buy you that outfit..that would look amazing on you! Thank you for refraining on the back-to-school thing....UGH!! Only one more month of summer....well, I know im gun guna MAKE IT COUNT! y tu? *sigh* I feel lik eI hhaven't seen u in 4evah! luv ya! miss ya! adios.