lunedì 22 ottobre 2012

Presidential Tics

   Hello, all! I'm writing this while half-watching the Presidential Debate on CBS, so I probably will have a short attention span and/or start exclaiming about HOW MY DAD AND I TIE-DYED MY TIGHTS IN THE BASEMENT SINK WITH RIT DYE. I apologize in advance for that. So anyway, here is a short list of amusing things that I've noticed about each of the presidential candidates as they rant about whatever issue is going on during which segment of what. Enjoy and relate! I tried to seem impartial, but please comment if you think I was more critical of one over another. Thanks!
*how much more awesome Romney's tie is than Obama's (sorry, sorry! Just had to comment about the ties... should I wear one tomorrow to Tie-Dye Day?)
*how often Romney messes up his words and says, "Er... excuse me, er-er-er," followed by a sentence that makes no sense
*how much Obama moves his thumb whenever he talks ^^ (short thumbs video up here)
*Romney's little smirk whenever Obama is making a point
*Obama's constant interrupting whenever Romney is talking
*how neither of them let that Bob Schieffer guy talk at ALL, y'all
*how Romney always crinkles his eyebrows when Obama is talking
*how they don't actually ANSWER the question, they just talk about whatever the llama they want to talk about
*how Obama loooooves to tell Romney that he's contradicting himself (you can practically feel the entertainment radiating off of him)
*how Romney is sweating a lot
*how ancient that Bob guy is (like, who let him be the one to host this thing?)
*how funny it would be if I found that meme of Obama and Romney with swapped hair
*how Obama seems to agree a lot with what Romney says, but at the same time disagree (if that makes sense...)
*Obama keeps opening his mouth but doesn't actually say anything
*how Obama keeps saying, "Uh, uh, uh"
*how come that sparkly star is on ROMNEY'S jacket, eh? Why not the Bob guy's?
*how it would be funny if Vermin Supreme got elected instead
   So that's about it for now! For those who have watched the debate and actually paid attention (cough cough, not me), good job and good endurance. Au revoir!
P.S. OOOOOH! I found that leetle picture that I was talking about before! Heh. Obama looks really old! And Romney looks like he should be in Big Nate. 

2 commenti:

  1. Keen observations, girl. Especially the one about them not actually answering the questions but rather getting to whatever topic they felt like checking off their agenda. A tried-and-true strategy used by politicians far and wide! Oh, and also, fyi, you did not seem partial to either candidate. At least it didn't seem that way to me. Even when commenting on the hair toss-up.

  2. hey may! i was kinda-sorta watching, too! the hair has me crackin up y'all! And nice thumbs..;) adios
