This is a post that was requested by a certain AZ Flyer (hey there, you!) about a new TAE! KWON! DO! class that we're taking nowadays. It's totally rated awesome! Though me and my friend Amour are only white belts in class, we shall most certainly conquer this class... oh yeah. Besides being fun, tae kwon do is, well, a good life skill 'cause it's a self-defense course. So far we know how to punch, do a front snap kick which is when the kick is straight in front of us (sorry for the lousy description; I don't really know how to explain it), do a side kick which is to the side, and do a turning kick, which is tricky for us newbies but AZ Flyer the Black Belt has got it down. Such a role model! And such a short post! I'm sorry there's been a brief hiatus a la Ke$ha (key dollar sign ha, all you Gleeks out there!!!) on this blog, but don't worry; it's fall now, and October, and Halloweentime, and it all rocks. It all rocks. PLUS we get to wear jeans and scarves. Red skinny jeans.
All in the spirit of fall,
Me xx
All in the spirit of fall,
Me xx
this is my first time commenting on your blog!!!!! yaaaaaay!! just wanted to say that. and a new post on my blog will be up before TDK starts today.
RispondiEliminathis is my first time commenting on your blog!!!!!!! yaaaaaay!!!!! a new post on my blog will be up before TDK starts today.
RispondiEliminaHey Waz up TKD girl! U and Amour r doing amazing and so very proud of u both. Your learing so fast. *fake tears* Awww thanks for saying I'm good at the side kick But I'm sure u will get the hang of it. Keep up the amazing work! Toodles;)
RispondiEliminahey may! u will know y i quit sooon.s orry az flyer but i enjoyed my first year oo. after 5 it got 2 be 2 much, and i quit. go figure...this is eman but u ned to quit 2 :) now im a loner! so many tipos, so little cring..
RispondiEliminathat was a rude cooment
lol i dont carr tho!
more tipoos
My mustard and banana cords are in lieu of red skinnies!
RispondiEliminaI'm also rocking blue and white turtles (necks that is!) , knee socks, stockings, and pumpkin mini skirts!
But instead of being conceited... (ahem) I will now say, I too, LOVE fall and winter because it's realllyyy a lot easier to get ready! you can even wear hats for bad hair days! Unlike summer, with shorts and hairless legs and worrying about sweating through your lovely purple t shirt that shows sweat easily.... (cries) and not even including how HOT your hair gets! Woowhee! Not to mention sunburns.... grrr
but that is behind us! Now is the season of cocoa and boots! the smell of fireplaces and taste of cinnamon! Halloween and wearing your hair down! Long live Fall and Winter!!!!!! <333333