Allo, everyone! As y'all know, I'm an avid reader of Rookie, THE online magazine fo' teens which every girl here should check out because, y'know, its variety of categories displayed are pretty captivating for everyone (style, advice, stories, moosic, lists, DIYs, ideas, and random lovely articles thrown in). So I was just reading leisurely and I said to myself, "Hey Rhea! Why don't you take a page from the Rookie staff and make a little style "feature" thang for Eggheads so you can showcase cool stuff that you pick up from the WWW and inspire other people? Man said it would be fun..." and guess what folks? I decided it would be a positively dandy idea! And I did it! So every so often, you'll see a heading of "Fashion Feature" and an article of clothing, and you'll say to yourself, "Hey! It's time for *da-da, da-da, dude looks like a laday* Fashion Feature!" So here's my style corner-category thang; you saw it here first! C with a circle, copyrighted.
There's nothing more sentimental and childhood-reminiscent than a lovely pair of bobby socks, yes? Plus, they look great with almost any kind of shoe you could possibly wear. I'm thinking oxfords and Airwalk-type shoes would look splendiferous with a pair of these guys! So imma jump right in with a few pictures of cuteness. I hope you guys love it and don't forget to recommend some of your own favorite clothes, be they current or retro or futuristic or none of the above. Pictures courtesy of ModCloth and American Apparel!

There's nothing more sentimental and childhood-reminiscent than a lovely pair of bobby socks, yes? Plus, they look great with almost any kind of shoe you could possibly wear. I'm thinking oxfords and Airwalk-type shoes would look splendiferous with a pair of these guys! So imma jump right in with a few pictures of cuteness. I hope you guys love it and don't forget to recommend some of your own favorite clothes, be they current or retro or futuristic or none of the above. Pictures courtesy of ModCloth and American Apparel!
Also guys, I got bangs! AHHH! They're side-swept and I lurve them. Just wanted to share. OK, buh-bye, and wear your childishly decorative knee socks with joy and confidence!
Oh you style ninja you! My side swept bangs can't wait to be updated.... they are crying about my most recent hair cut being in last July! I cut Lea Michele bangs for a while, and then cut them back to the side. I did do quite a nice job, but I am awaiting my hair stylist to make professional touch ups! I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MODCLOTH! I love their clothes to a tee!!!
RispondiEliminaI hope you enjoy your bobby socks! I received a pair for Christmas with meerkats on them, and some with brains! I wear them with my corduroy skirt, (which I most recently learned from this guy are not appropriate! LOL!
au revoir!
Tess, you have the best bangs everrr. First of all, you have the awesomest strawberry-blond-aspiration color and also your Lea Michele bangs are fabulous. YOU CUT YOUR OWN HAIR?! That is seriously impressive. I'm also going to have to ask you for sewing machine stuffs since I got one for Christmas and I know you're a bow-tie pro. Where did you find these uh-mazing socks?! Or, ahem, where did Santa find them? Also, don't listen to that quack; both homosexuality and corduroy skirts are fabulous :) probably he's just a misled lovey-dovey porridge piece, waiting for the perfect surprise gift.
EliminaOH my gosh!! You got bangs?!?!?! See them 2ro!!! Also, hey may! I;m suggesting ankle-high boots! Man said that would be fun...;). I love those little socks that look like shoes there! Diddly-dee!
RispondiEliminaHaha, well after I wrote this post and spent a day and some change with my fabulous, brand-spanking new hair, I experienced the infamous curse of the shower combined with the hairdresser's magical touch: MY HAIR IS NOT SPECTACULAR ANYMOOOOORE! TIMMY NOISE! So now my bangs are subtly un-awesome :( wah-wah, crying sound. Blue Rock reference, Telt the Pelt. What a nice suggestion! Thanks a ton, there's probably a ton of fun funkay options out there in the world wide web. Nice parting words, BTW.
Eliminai got bobby socks for christmas! they're yellow and have elephants on them!!!!!!! i need to see ur bangs! ooh i hate when ur hair doesnt look as nice as in the salon after u wash it:(
RispondiEliminaHHHH! Show me, girl! That sounds fabulous! My hair only looks halfway decent when I blow dry it, unfortunately. Marshmallow clowns!