mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012

Wednesday Playlist: Almost Break!

     I just felt musical today. Y'know? Also, give me a ring if you have any fabulous ideas for future playlists! Themes, artists, songs, or other. Muchas gracias, personas quien leen...? I don't know how to say "audience", desafortunadamente. LOVE THAT WORD!
                                           Winter Break Playlist
*Levon: Elton John
*Dramatic Song: Tobuscus XD #terrysteve #octoemi #hashtagnoswag
*I Want to Break Free: Queen
*When I'm Gone: Eminem
*Too Legit to Quit: MC Hammer
*Run Rudolph Run: Chuck Berry (#mustacheamour--Ally's dance routine!)
*Don't You Want Me: The Human League
*Song 2: Blur
*Standing on Top of the World: Van Halen
*The Stars Look Down: Billy Elliot
*I Knew You Were Trouble: Taylor Swift (This is my arrant favorite song right now, even though I'm most certainly not a T. Swift fan.)
*Island in the Sun: Weezer

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