~The Infamous List~
1. Sitting in my Japanese maple tree, preferably listening to my portable radio and reading
2. Strolling around a posh city with GANGNAM STYLE
3. Dipping my feet in Jezebel's lake house lake
4. Eating mozzarella sticks at the kitchen counter
5. Gazing out my raindrop-encrusted window while listening to some alternative music (or Pink)
6. Swinging on any old abandoned park swing against the wind
7. This amazingly peaceful place called Land's End in San Francisco; it used to be this old baths place but now it's just kind of like a nature reserve
8. My comfy beige chair in my room where I listen to my iPod and write letters to acquaintances
And d'you know what? That's about all I can think of right now, so let's get it started on the do-it-yourself part of this post. New paragraph...
So it's pretty darn simple to discover what your favorite places are, but there are a few rules and regulations that you must perform first. Numero uno is to--obviously--listen to your favorite music, because if you're an avid music fan like me and every other tween/teen girl in this technology-based world, you know that listening to music is a temporary cure for almost any problem. Just turn on your musical device and listen to your choice of Michael Jackson (dur), or Maroon 5, or Queen, or the Archers of Loaf, or something along those lines. I repeat: easy peasy.
Second rule of initiation--you should probably look around a lot. Y'know, just kind of examine what setting you're in. Say you're in New York City. If you check out all the noises and smells and buildings and such, you'll get a sense of whether or not you actually like the place you're in.
Third rule--if you can, doodle a little, cause doodling is (a) fun and (b) superbly creative. And that's about all there is to it.
Yours truly,
Hey May! I agree with da Jezebel part! But I love the huff stream! My favorite place is being there with u and all the others! *shoutout to my friends!* I don't need to shoutout to u may cuz ur reaing this! Top right picture seems beautiful to me!
RispondiEliminaHey MJ pinkster! I love that big red tree pic u have. It's butiferious. The huff stream is nice but the Jan court creek is amazing. I also love that big climbing tree in my backyard, the bushes in my front yard and the trampoline. Those all r amazing places! I think I followed your rules? Right? Anyhoodles gtg. Bye :)