martedì 18 settembre 2012

Les Sketches (seriously pardon my French!)







These here are some of my sketches from San Francisco that I was telling y'all about. Now, I must give credit where credit is due because I didn't actually draw the outline of the people; my dad was superbly impressed with me because he thought I drew them. Here is a little roleplay I concocted that was based on the actual conversation. Starring TAFKA PINKY! And... Dad.
Dad: Wow. I mean, seriously, wow! How did you learn to sketch like this?!
Me: *smiles bashfully* Um, well, it's not that good...
Dad: Yes it is! I mean, how did you get the eyes to look like that? (On this certain sketch, I had just happened to give the girl cat-eye makeup, so I thought he was talking about that.)
Me: I dunno. But it's kind of messy. Not that good.
Dad: Well, okaaaay... may I ask why you outlined them all in pink instead of pencil?
Me: Um, I didn't. I didn't actually draw that part, just the clothes, hair, and makeup.
Dad: WHATTA?! Um. Oh. Well... the clothes are... nice. *lumbers off*
So, yeah. That's the story... thanks, Dad! I hope y'all like these sketches. Be sure to comment which one(s) are your favorites, por favor. Thanks for listening! --TAFKA Pinky

4 commenti:

  1. Excuse my french because those r ( insert word of choise here) awesome! My favorites r # 2,3 and 5. Lol I can totally picture that conversation! U r the one and only.... Very Fashonable Pinkster! Anyhoodle luv the outfits but gtg. Bye ;)

  2. Hey May! So 2, 5, 6, 7. Up and coming outfits for the one and only pinky? Yes? I hope?! Haha, i love the outfits, and the cat eye makeup.Who actually did the people? Tata!

  3. I don't care what you say, these are soooooo awesome. Love them all!

  4. My faves are 1, 2, 6 & 7. oh and I really liked your *lumbers off* story. a lot.
