domenica 9 settembre 2012

Sewing the Gap.

    Oh my gawsh, guys! I'm so sorry!
I haven't posted in AGES. Centuries, almost!
Sad story: one of my friends (cough cough, Amour) actually said they forgot about my blog 'cause I never posted, and honestly? I don't blame her at all. I guess I was just taking that fabled "break" that I always blabbered on about. Well, OK. Enough of this. Again, I'm terribly sorry about not blogging (un-blogging?) and I hope we'll all be getting back in the groove, through no fault of everyone else's!
   Sooo. . . California! That week was the BEST. We first stopped at a somewhat-lousy Sheraton in San Diego after the looooong flight (which was made tolerable by the delicious Auntie Anne's almond  pretzels that my parents bought for us three kids), where we slept on disagreeable pullout couches with the bars pressing uncomfortably into our backs (SEINFELD! TESS!). And for breakfast? Underwhelming croissants from Starbucks as the five of us argued over the two chairs and the TABLE of our hotel room. The TABLE.
   Yes, I admit that I'm a hotel snob.
   But anyway, we traveled through San Diego and L.A. (we saw Michael Jackson's star! Happy dance) which was just peachy, but then we came to SAN. FRAN. CISCO. . . cue the epiphany music. It rocked. Seriously, y'all, it just rocked. Let's just start off by saying it was total jeans weather, which you guys know I love, so it was all fall-y and cosmopolitan, but the fashion! OH GOD, THE FASHION!!* (Whee! My first footnote! Hah.) While in my glorious San Franciscan hotel room, Griffin and Father watching Gator Boys uh-gain and Mother took some "alone time" aka shopping at Macy's and Ross, I sketched some fashions and made a list of San Francisco high-fashion dos and don'ts, which I'll enclose later on (maybe next post?). But the main verdicts of awesomeness? Tights. And studded stuff. But HECK YA, the tights fashions were AWESOME, guys! Sorry for using so many caps, but they were a-w-e-s-o-m-e. I love San Francisco so much. And another seriously cool part? For all you Robin Williams fans out there--we actually went to the house of Mrs. Doubtfire and the lovable Hillard family consisting of Lydia, Christopher, and Natalie!!!!
   ... even though I was a tad... shall we say cautious and refused to lean on the railings like Mom and Dad wanted me to, I swear it was still a magical moment.
   I think this is all I'm going to post for now. Again, so sorry about the little break that I took; I'm back now, so everyone start blogging! Tess, Emily and Nicole, your blogs look great and, well, tessiloveyourlittleknapsackcontraptionsoooomuch. Adieu.
*Jezebel... this is a spinoff of a Chris Colfer quote and Glee reference, which you should be quite familiar with!

3 commenti:

  1. California girls are fashionable! Anyhoodles.... U WENT TO LA!!!! Sorry I've always wanted to my favorite city and u went there. (Lucky girl.) Sooo It sound like u had a spectacular time and that it was totally cooleolishious. I think they should fix there hotel if the beds were uncomfortable. If u had any back problems then I shall file a complant! Last thing I want to tell u something that will interest u very much. Tell u Wednesday! Bye:)

  2. Hey May! California...*sigh* I've always wanted to go. MJ star! did u take a pic? i need to see it and treasure it. im dying to know more about this, so ttys!
