Hello again! What up, world? (This is my attempt of a normal, inconspicuous blog post in which I have not in any way, shape or form left all you devoted people hanging and longing for the return of the Blogger Formerly Known As Pinky--all you oldies music fans will understand thatta one. But I thank you so very muchly for keeping with this blog and begging me to post at school, over email, over snail mail, and over private blog. Thanks, dear AZ Flyer, for giving me a great comment like that! It made my day. Er, night. Whatever, it was politely pleasant and overall enjoyable. Better?
So today is my dad's birthday (you're young at heart), and for a birthday present he got a beautiferous new car. It is the color of fresh snow, and I'm currently thinking of a name for it, and I think a heroic name would be the Batmobile, so you know what, I think I'll stick with that. Happy birthday, dear Dad!
Just for the record, I seriously want this card. But it's yours. :-)
So one of the reasons why I brought this up is because (a) we're going hiking when my dad gets back from his "birthday run" so I have a nice and casual hiking outfit--a purple t-shirt tucked into my mint shorts with a sleek black belt from--what else?--H&M. This creepy picture was made on Polyvore--like the skull and the Squid Shower Caddy? HAH. Likee? And by the wa-a-a-ay, guys! Can you believe the monumentality of this moment: thisee here is my 100th post. You guys are the best for sticking with this blog for, like, forever. I'm going to attempt to name all of you now!
*PAHM *Nicole Vad *AZ Flyer *Amour
*EJ *Telt the Pelt aka Tess *Jezebel *Rocker123 (we miss you so!) *Emily and Sophie
*Mum and Dad *Graham Cracker *umm... Griffin *Haley *and others who have dropped in and out of what my dad likes to call the blogosphere. T. A. F. K. A. Pinky loves you all <3 p="p">3>
So today is my dad's birthday (you're young at heart), and for a birthday present he got a beautiferous new car. It is the color of fresh snow, and I'm currently thinking of a name for it, and I think a heroic name would be the Batmobile, so you know what, I think I'll stick with that. Happy birthday, dear Dad!
So one of the reasons why I brought this up is because (a) we're going hiking when my dad gets back from his "birthday run" so I have a nice and casual hiking outfit--a purple t-shirt tucked into my mint shorts with a sleek black belt from--what else?--H&M. This creepy picture was made on Polyvore--like the skull and the Squid Shower Caddy? HAH. Likee? And by the wa-a-a-ay, guys! Can you believe the monumentality of this moment: thisee here is my 100th post. You guys are the best for sticking with this blog for, like, forever. I'm going to attempt to name all of you now!
*EJ *Telt the Pelt aka Tess *Jezebel *Rocker123 (we miss you so!) *Emily and Sophie
*Mum and Dad *Graham Cracker *umm... Griffin *Haley *and others who have dropped in and out of what my dad likes to call the blogosphere. T. A. F. K. A. Pinky loves you all <3 p="p">3>
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell your dad I said happy birthday and hi. Awww thanks I'm glad I made u happy! Also it's a squid! Love that b- day card. OMG I also love your clock in the backround pic! Happy 100th post pinkster! I love your blog and will always comment! See u! ;)
RispondiEliminaI dig those crazy-cool typewriters in the background. So retro. I wonder if they're equipped with ribbons. ;)
RispondiEliminaThank you for the birthday wishes. I'm loving all the posts. I think I will name my car Betty or Judy not sure yet.
RispondiEliminaHappy b day dad!! I hope it waste bestiest!! Thanks for saying my name pinky!100 posts yea oh yeaaaaa do it do it uhhuhuh. Love the pic biii
RispondiEliminaHey May! At first I was planning to skip commenting on this and do the next 1, but u know i need to comment on whatever I'm mentioned in, rite? OK so ...wow...100! I have read 100 posts, huh? BTW i like the typewriter background. Well, time flies and with ur posts i didnt know that it could have been so many! During this blog u have come to love nudibranchs, squids, and who knows what else! U r a trendsetter, fashion starter and I luv this blog! Pink on!