I just got back from Lancaster County, in Pennsylvania, where the FAM spent the long weekend. Let me tell you, there was something about the perpetual scent of manure mixed with the thrill of homemade butter that just was so... perfect. Long story short, I loved it! I'm too lazy to sync my phone to my computer right now and download my photos, but in a bit I'll see if I can upload some of my great pictures of wide open fields and Amish lemonade stands.
I think it was how simple the lifestyle of the Amish is that made me so enraptured. I know, the idea of no electricity probably sounds sort of like a living hell for most of you guys, but I really think I could get used to it... if you gave me some time... maybe...
They hang their clothes out to dry on clotheslines--I'm totally in the process of convincing my dad to do this as we speak, by the way; wish me luck--and raise CHICKENS--I saw this Amish kid on the side of the road who was literally throwing a chicken into the air and catching it, like it was some kind of toy--and wear suspenders and straw hats. I mean, what's not to love? I guess I could settle for being a Mennonite, just as long as I got to live on a farm. That would probably be for the better, seeing as I'm not sure I could maintain the dress code of the Amish females.
We stayed at a bed-and-breakfast with a farm, this old Mennonite couple called the Rohrers that my parents and grandparents have been staying with whenever they went up to Amish country since way back when, and it was great. I loved just looking out at all the fields, and watching the dairy cows walk around, and listening on the front porch for the clip-clop of the horses and buggies as they drove past. I tell you, the buggy part was absolutely surreal. The Amish kids, since they can't use bikes or anything that isn't powered by their own energy, ride around on these cool scooters which I think would be really handy to have around, and I want one. See, life's just so simple, and so perfect too. I don't think I would mind... don't quote me on that. Anyway, my brother really hit it off with the Rohrers' dog and had a blast with that, while my mom and I hit it off with the Bird-in-Hand (that's the town we stayed in) Farmer's Market and their delicious picnic foods (our daily lunch--Polish kielbassi, really airy bread, local-made cheeses, lemonade, and WHOOPIE PIES!).
So stay tuned for those pictures! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but as you can see, I've been busy. Adieu!