I celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah, which confuses a lot of people. "Wait, how can you be both--?" This FAQ is often followed by a realization. "Oh, I get it, so your parents are so religious they make you celebrate both? Do you go to temple and church? Do you get presents for both? Luck-eee!" Then I have to explain to them, yeah, I celebrate both, but I'm not really either religion, at least not that much, because my family's just not really religious at all. I never go to temple OR church, but I celebrate all the good holidays of both. Mwa-ha-ha! So now that that's all out of the way, I'll give y'all a belated description of my holiday bounty. Here's what I got in terms of sewing, in list form, since it's easier to write and read. Geez, I'm such a lazy bum, aren't I? With a British accent.
*A sewing machine! YESYESYESYESYES!!!! I'm terribly against over-punctuating things, but I think this Christmas gift deserves five gosh-darn exclamation points.
*Patterns for pants to sew--pajamas and capris. Considering that my current pajama pants are more like long shorts, I think this will be a very productive project :)
*Buttons, bows, googly eyes, beads, etc. to bedazzle my newly-sewed clothes
*One of those sewing supplies kits--it even has a pincushion with one of those little pepper things on it! AAAAH! <3 and="and" font="font" it="it" tonses="tonses">3>
*Cute scraps of fabric from my dad and grandma--here are some pictures of my favorite prints. Okay, they're at the bottom of the page, thanks for nothing, defective Blogger settings!
I also got some good running things for Hanukkah, like a phone holder to go on my arm so I don't have to carry it to listen to my B.o.B and other rap stuff. I always get freaked out it's going to fall and break, and then what of my two-year contract? Scary. This way, I'll be in shape for track in the spring! Distance, y'all! Definitely join track, everyone. It's a must!
Plenty of art supplies are always good too--Mod Podge! Five Below, which is up there on the list of best stores ever, is where we got all our cool ornaments, except for me and my brother, who made ours. And of course, no gift-giving holiday is complete without the ritualistic giving of glitzy stationery to the oldest girl of all the Gekotty cousins. I must have a whole drawer full of the stuff! Unfortunately, I didn't get the HESS truck of my dreams, but I'll just gaze lovingly at the Gekotty boys' cars. Heh. I love my new last name.

*A sewing machine! YESYESYESYESYES!!!! I'm terribly against over-punctuating things, but I think this Christmas gift deserves five gosh-darn exclamation points.
*Patterns for pants to sew--pajamas and capris. Considering that my current pajama pants are more like long shorts, I think this will be a very productive project :)
*Buttons, bows, googly eyes, beads, etc. to bedazzle my newly-sewed clothes
*One of those sewing supplies kits--it even has a pincushion with one of those little pepper things on it! AAAAH! <3 and="and" font="font" it="it" tonses="tonses">3>
*Cute scraps of fabric from my dad and grandma--here are some pictures of my favorite prints. Okay, they're at the bottom of the page, thanks for nothing, defective Blogger settings!
I also got some good running things for Hanukkah, like a phone holder to go on my arm so I don't have to carry it to listen to my B.o.B and other rap stuff. I always get freaked out it's going to fall and break, and then what of my two-year contract? Scary. This way, I'll be in shape for track in the spring! Distance, y'all! Definitely join track, everyone. It's a must!
Plenty of art supplies are always good too--Mod Podge! Five Below, which is up there on the list of best stores ever, is where we got all our cool ornaments, except for me and my brother, who made ours. And of course, no gift-giving holiday is complete without the ritualistic giving of glitzy stationery to the oldest girl of all the Gekotty cousins. I must have a whole drawer full of the stuff! Unfortunately, I didn't get the HESS truck of my dreams, but I'll just gaze lovingly at the Gekotty boys' cars. Heh. I love my new last name.