Buenas dias, mis amigos! Bueeeenas diiiias... that's from a really funny-yet-catchy song that we learned during Spanish, and it kinda stuck with my group of friends... especially my friend Missy Polka, aka Anonymous. Fun-nee!
So anyhoodles (you'll hear me saying/typing that for the next year or so, by ze way), I came to talk to y'all about the magic of the teenager posts. Here's one for starters:
Completely funny, eh? And there are much, much more! Me and my "deer genius" friend love these so very muchly, and in fact, they're on my profile page. Hey! Now here's a reason to get people to actually look at my profile. I for one think that it's the most important thing besides the posts on good ol' Proud to Be Geek Chic! Enjoy this happy collage of teenager posts, and soon I'm sure you'll think these are just as funny. And also, it'd be COOL (not sonderbar) if you could check out my profile... so could ya? Thanks a good ton! :)

Wow, OK. Got a little carried away there, huh? Sorry about that! See you guys soon! Hmm... stay divertidos like mushrooms, bow ties, and tin lunchboxes! Exsqueeze me for the Spanish, but finals are on Monday and I need to prep, prep, prep! Yikes *slanty smile* or just this little guy: :-/
con cariño,
So anyhoodles (you'll hear me saying/typing that for the next year or so, by ze way), I came to talk to y'all about the magic of the teenager posts. Here's one for starters:
Completely funny, eh? And there are much, much more! Me and my "deer genius" friend love these so very muchly, and in fact, they're on my profile page. Hey! Now here's a reason to get people to actually look at my profile. I for one think that it's the most important thing besides the posts on good ol' Proud to Be Geek Chic! Enjoy this happy collage of teenager posts, and soon I'm sure you'll think these are just as funny. And also, it'd be COOL (not sonderbar) if you could check out my profile... so could ya? Thanks a good ton! :)
Wow, OK. Got a little carried away there, huh? Sorry about that! See you guys soon! Hmm... stay divertidos like mushrooms, bow ties, and tin lunchboxes! Exsqueeze me for the Spanish, but finals are on Monday and I need to prep, prep, prep! Yikes *slanty smile* or just this little guy: :-/
con cariño,
HAHAHAHAHAHA....NO. (LOL!) Anyhoodles I love all the teenager posts. (Did u get the orange one from my I pod.). So I have one that we both love to act out and this is it: Did u just fall? No I attacked the floor. Backwards? I'm freaking awesome! Also a other one if u don't mind: 3 a.m.... Are u awake? ....No I'm sky diving. You know u love them teehee. Bye :)
RispondiEliminaHey, hey, hey! What was that 'NO' for? I'm glad you lurve the teenager posts, and I didn't get the ninja one from yo' iPod but NOW I REMEMBER! And the attacking-the-floor one too. Good stuff, good stuff...
Eliminaomg I love that it was so funny. i loved all of them no FAVS in particular. ILOVEUPINKY
RispondiEliminaThanks! And thanks :) love ya toodles
EliminaMy favorites aren't actually on there because I couldn't find them, but I DO rawther like the ninja one.
This is such a funny yet endearing post at the same time ;) Love it!
Thanks! Nice moostachio :)
EliminaI like your cute dress that y'all just posted... c'est adorable, for all the Frenchies out there! The li'l surprise is soopercute!
Hey May!! I'm touched of your reference to me, truly. ;) These are all Hi-larious! I gotsa go! Toddledoodles! Adios!
RispondiEliminaOh, now... LOL. Anytime for my fellow blub-er and "buenas dias" singer! You're such a... geddit? From the notes? Wheel... sayonara!