Hallo, und wie kann man sein?
Hello, and how might you be? This is gonna be a real shorty of a post, and it's just saying that I felt like completely changing my blog template. Enjoy the science-y theme! I think it looks right cool, but that's just me... kindly drop by and let me know what you think. I ALSO have some cool pictures of space that go along with my "theme." Pretty snazzy, huh? :)
Also: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEEEEEASE respond to this, I'd IMMENSELY appreciate it... I have a background from thecutestblogontheblock.com, but I don't want it anymore. Has ANYBODY out there had (or is having) the same problem and knows how to get a background from Blogger instead? Thanks SO much for your assistance already!
sweating buckets,
Pinky xx
Hello, and how might you be? This is gonna be a real shorty of a post, and it's just saying that I felt like completely changing my blog template. Enjoy the science-y theme! I think it looks right cool, but that's just me... kindly drop by and let me know what you think. I ALSO have some cool pictures of space that go along with my "theme." Pretty snazzy, huh? :)
sweating buckets,
Pinky xx
ALSO, has anyone here see the space background or do tyou still see the stripey one? Thanks!
RispondiEliminaSorry for the typos... here's what I REALLY meant to say: has anyone here seen the space background or do you still see the stripey one? DOUBLE thanks :)
RispondiEliminaI see the space background from my iPhone.
RispondiEliminaOK, thanks... hm. It shows up when you look it up from and i-Thing (like it?), but on the computer it doesn't work. I don't know how to get rid of it. AGH!!!
EliminaYESSSSSSSSSSS!!! *score* it's fixed! I owe it all to the kind help of my Barbapapa, Mr. Mister. Thanks!
RispondiEliminaPinksaturn says moonello! (yeah I know it's a crazy way to say hello, but I had to put some space in it somehow. So hope u like it.) Anyhoodles Love the s p a c e theam and pics. (LOL do u like how I said space?) Also I don't know how to fix your dilema; sorry I wish I could help. :( On a happier note I still love what u did to your blog. Bye :)
RispondiEliminaLawl :) I like the "Pinksaturn" part, though! Schazzy... Cool s p a c e lettering! I love doing stuff like that. Luckily for me, my "dilemma" is fixed, but thanks for offering! You know I appreciate it. Thanks a ton!!! Soopersayonara *wink wink*
EliminaCoool that's awesome I love the planetsssssssssssss!,,!! This is a popular blog heehee
RispondiEliminaThanks! Meh... I don't know about calling it popular (you should see the blogs that have more than 1,000 followers!), but I do have a lot of friends who follow it... examples being you!