Good gasp! Like my Arabic? It means "hello, my avid followers!" and I accessed it through Google Translate. Total-e (as my dear bother likes to say) epic, and not in an "epic FAIL" sort of way at all!! ... I hope :) مرحبا، أمتي متعطشا!
Also, a thank-you for referencing my blog, Emily and Sophie (even though you really didn't need to... but hey, thanks! I appreciate the publicity, if you know what I mean... haw haw! I just ADORE being unexpected...)!
So here's my awesome part-of-an-OOTD (Outfit of the Day, a meaning I literally JUST figured out after months of reading a fashion blog where every single post read "OOTD: *insert random articles of clothing here*"). Firstly, I have this cool pair of Sperry Top-siders that I've just acquired from Starting off with Cool Thing #1 about them, I'll also give all you curious ones out there (don't worry, I'm one of you too!) the link to see these epic boat shoes: Look for them in "Blue Poseidon," which is a cool design that's right up my alley. Enjoy!
Second on the list is my übercool clip-on tie! Well, it's not really mine; it's my bother's (so what does that say about me? LOL. Now, before you're announcing in your head, "Well, my friend is officially insane...") BUT he was kind enough to let me borrow it. I sooperlurve the pattern. It doesn't exactly go with today's plaid shirt (clashy-riffic, you could say), but I'm too lazy to change :) Sorry for searing your eyes, guys (unwitting rhyme)! Hmm... it actually wasn't as bad as I'd thought...
Like it? No? Well, that's quite all right! Not everyone has weird fashion taste like mine... I suppose that was wishful thinking on my part. Chortle chortle guffaw! So now THIRD on my list is my nail polish. Before you get all excited because my post title said they were "Dr. Seuss" nails, I just want to give some *frowny face* bad news. Although I really, really, really wish that they had, I don't know, little Lorax stickers or whatever on them, they're just themed to look like the hat from the Cat in the Hat... that was quite a mouthful! What I meant was: they're just red and white stripes, along with yellow blobs that happen to have eyes on alternate nails. I'm kinda running out of time, so I'm actually going to post them tomorrow instead. Sorry about that.
stay creative like Dr. Seuss (stay tuned for my post about my heroes! Hint: Dr. S is one of them),
Pinky xx or, as my dear friend AZ Flyer says, Pinksaturn
but pink!
Also, a thank-you for referencing my blog, Emily and Sophie (even though you really didn't need to... but hey, thanks! I appreciate the publicity, if you know what I mean... haw haw! I just ADORE being unexpected...)!
So here's my awesome part-of-an-OOTD (Outfit of the Day, a meaning I literally JUST figured out after months of reading a fashion blog where every single post read "OOTD: *insert random articles of clothing here*"). Firstly, I have this cool pair of Sperry Top-siders that I've just acquired from Starting off with Cool Thing #1 about them, I'll also give all you curious ones out there (don't worry, I'm one of you too!) the link to see these epic boat shoes: Look for them in "Blue Poseidon," which is a cool design that's right up my alley. Enjoy!
Second on the list is my übercool clip-on tie! Well, it's not really mine; it's my bother's (so what does that say about me? LOL. Now, before you're announcing in your head, "Well, my friend is officially insane...") BUT he was kind enough to let me borrow it. I sooperlurve the pattern. It doesn't exactly go with today's plaid shirt (clashy-riffic, you could say), but I'm too lazy to change :) Sorry for searing your eyes, guys (unwitting rhyme)! Hmm... it actually wasn't as bad as I'd thought...

stay creative like Dr. Seuss (stay tuned for my post about my heroes! Hint: Dr. S is one of them),
Pinky xx or, as my dear friend AZ Flyer says, Pinksaturn
Ringello (LOL! Get it?) Alsoooo......OMG YOUR CLOCK! U know I absolutely LOVE that huge clock. It's Sooooo amazing! (sorry for that happy clock moment.) Anyhoodles I will always like your fashion sense. Also that tie is cooleo; but bowties r cooler. No offense pinkster. Can't wait to see the nails! One more thing...... would u like to live on Pinksaturn? Bye people. :)
RispondiEliminaP.S- I saw the clock in your pics if u were wondering!
Ringello? I don't get it. What's the "ring" part from? Sorry... not following ya. Haw haw! I forgot you were obsessed with that clock! Almost as much as my furry white pillow, right? LOL I know you utterly and completely! Thanks gurl, and bonus points for being honest :) I much prefer bow ties to regular ties any day too! Can't argue with a bow tie... that should be Blaine's motto from now on! Sorry to keep you hanging abou the nails...
EliminaI'd LURVE to live on Pinksaturn! As long as nudibranches live there. Peace!
I generally like ties but usually I prefer them skinnier and longer ;)
RispondiEliminaYeah... and of course, bow ties trump all! But that's just my personal opinion. Power to da Blaine!
EliminaHey May! K so I adorably adore your tie! Though it clashes, I actually htink it could go very well with the shirt! Can't wait for that new post and the nails! +I <3 the boat shoes! I'm i aheva suggestion...An MJ post! Just throwin' it out there!....AND i luv the backround...and so would Mr.Doherty! I have sparkly blue-puurple nails but I'm sure yours r better! :) ..Well, that was a kinda all-over-the-place reply...OH AND az fLYER!!!! GO TO 711 NOT UR TRAMPOL;LNE WATEVER YOU DO!!!!! Adios!
RispondiEliminaThanks a ton! I'll soon be nail-posting, even though the Cat in the Hat stripes are coming off... noooo! I miss them and it's all the fault of the rude nail polish pen! Grrr. Heeeeey, an MJ post? GENIUS!! I'm DEF. gonna make that one. Oooh, your nails sound cool! I lurve sparkles. Not as much as Shannon, but still. Yes, AZ! Listen to the wisdom of PAHS! Speaking of which... "Previously Anonymous Hey (Sayer?)"... is that right? Ciao now...
EliminaOhhhhh zappos I lurve the shoes totally rocks! The oe is kk I don't like it with the shirt maybe something else. Hey I like the name with pinky
RispondiEliminaThanks a ton! I like the oe too *wink wink* jes' kidding. I think the tie would go good with stripes or just a plain-colored shirt. Thanks about the name! Do you mean Pinksaturn? LOL. Oh, AZ...