For those whom are Estonian and those whom are not, well halloo to you! I've got three words to share: I. LURVE. BOSTON!! It is utterly awesometatious and has what my mom calls "old world charm", which I am completely captivated by. I've now discovered that I much prefer the city to something beachy like, say, Puerto Rico. I just lurve being out and about! Here's an abridged summary of my stay in the c'est-adorable Colonial city of Boston, coming soon... in the next paragraph. :)
OK, so here I go from the top! Sorry if I bore you guys, but you know how I write: sooperlong, and long, and long, and lo-o-o-o-ng. *Da-da-da!* We got to our hotel, the Omni Parker House, which is filled to the historical brim with facts, facts, FACTS!!! From hosting JFK in its press room to inventing the famed Boston cream pie to dealing with supposed ghosts (uh-huh. Sorry, but I'm not the type who believes in the paranormal and such), this hotel's got a seriously complex history. It's very impressive for all you history buffs like me out there, but for the rest of you, I won't dwell too much on this topic...
After dumping our plentiful luggage in the room and trading our shorts and Converse for jeans and Airwalks (YES!), we headed on down the street to a simply delicious restaurant called Grotto for an all-Italian dinner, and to a chocolate shop in the neighborhood of Beacon Hill, which I absolutely positootly fell in love with. I mean, come on: they even had mini shoescrapes at the doors! How 1700s-y is that?! Gum, I just love it here! We took our mouthwatering chocolates to the Public Gardens, which is a much-smaller-but-still-cool version of Central Park, for all you New Yorkers. They had the COOLEST flowers near the entrance, so of course I had to take a pic. They were, like, extraterrestrial (yeahhh, Katy Perry)! See for yourself, and tell me what you think of these guys.
I should probably be cutting this post short now, but today we've had a lot of fun too. We went to the Skytop Observatory at the Pru, aka Prudential Center; snacked at b.good, a healthy burger place whose motto was "made by people, not factories"; and walked a few miles (I almost wore out my trusty plaid Airwalks that my math teacher is so fond of!). All in all, an excellent few days. Catch you doods later!
stay chock full o' facts from my favorite historical time period, the Colonial times, like all of New England!
Pinky alla Moda xx
P.S. I know, I know, I'm sorry... but I also adore the fashion here! I'm ensorcelled by their adorable boat shoes, which I really would lurve to buy for next school year. Here's a picture, and then I'm done for real!
in conclusion, 
OK, so here I go from the top! Sorry if I bore you guys, but you know how I write: sooperlong, and long, and long, and lo-o-o-o-ng. *Da-da-da!* We got to our hotel, the Omni Parker House, which is filled to the historical brim with facts, facts, FACTS!!! From hosting JFK in its press room to inventing the famed Boston cream pie to dealing with supposed ghosts (uh-huh. Sorry, but I'm not the type who believes in the paranormal and such), this hotel's got a seriously complex history. It's very impressive for all you history buffs like me out there, but for the rest of you, I won't dwell too much on this topic...
After dumping our plentiful luggage in the room and trading our shorts and Converse for jeans and Airwalks (YES!), we headed on down the street to a simply delicious restaurant called Grotto for an all-Italian dinner, and to a chocolate shop in the neighborhood of Beacon Hill, which I absolutely positootly fell in love with. I mean, come on: they even had mini shoescrapes at the doors! How 1700s-y is that?! Gum, I just love it here! We took our mouthwatering chocolates to the Public Gardens, which is a much-smaller-but-still-cool version of Central Park, for all you New Yorkers. They had the COOLEST flowers near the entrance, so of course I had to take a pic. They were, like, extraterrestrial (yeahhh, Katy Perry)! See for yourself, and tell me what you think of these guys.
I should probably be cutting this post short now, but today we've had a lot of fun too. We went to the Skytop Observatory at the Pru, aka Prudential Center; snacked at b.good, a healthy burger place whose motto was "made by people, not factories"; and walked a few miles (I almost wore out my trusty plaid Airwalks that my math teacher is so fond of!). All in all, an excellent few days. Catch you doods later!
stay chock full o' facts from my favorite historical time period, the Colonial times, like all of New England!
Pinky alla Moda xx
P.S. I know, I know, I'm sorry... but I also adore the fashion here! I'm ensorcelled by their adorable boat shoes, which I really would lurve to buy for next school year. Here's a picture, and then I'm done for real!
I love the flowers we must find out the name of these. Gotta go, more to do in Boston.
RispondiEliminaI know! We'll try our very hardest, won't we? WON'T WE? *wink wink*
EliminaHokay! Dinner coming up soon. Where shall we cenamos?
This is how we do it Bostan style! Holy cheese (LOL!) love those flowers. They r like cotton balls but flowery. Also u will never bor me and like those shoes. They would look amazing on u. So u went into a chocolate shop but did they have peanutbutter? Bye:)
RispondiEliminaP.S u r missing alot of drama back in NJ! (if u know what I mean.)
LOL! Um, okay... VAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? SORRY FOR THE CAPS; my iPOD IS BEING QUITE SONDERBAR INDEEDY. Holy cheese to you, which reminds me of dear old Geronimo Stilton ;)
EliminaThanks for the positive feedback about les fleurs! Ja, I saw some peanut butter covered oreos that you woulda died for! Now, what do you mean by drama, Mrs. Lambert?
Hey May! Anonymous once again here....:D. Boston sounds fabu! AND i luv the red boat shoes. Y'know our beloved math teacher would simply die if you wore those shoes out! And I love those flowers..I was growing them until some deer bullied them...can't wait 'till the 27th! P.s-Email me again girl!Adios!
RispondiEliminaHalloo, dear Anonymous! Heard y'all are too lazy to write your "P-A-H" title? :0) Not a problem! We all have those days, right/left? *circle one*
EliminaLOL ja, Mrs. Myhre would have a FIT! Poor thing! But I didn't, so is all gut.
Aww, evil deer! Can't they see that they were AWESOMETATIOUS, spantabulicious fleurs?! Honestly... so destructive, eh?
Waaaait... what's going on on the 27th?
P.P.S. Kay, I shall indeedy!
signed, your fellow matchmaker/stalker
The flowers are called Alliums.
RispondiEliminaawesome! Muchas gracias, senor
EliminaAlliums? Totally cool!!!! Gotta tell All-iums my friends!!!