Whew! ... I guess that's my new favorite word on P-t-B-G-C, excepting "anyhoodles" and "y'all". I wonder what that tells about me. I suppose I'm just living life rawther quickly! Chortle chortle guffaw to my dear friend Telt the Pelt! :D
So *ahem* anyhoodles, over the weekend I ran a 5K (the equivalent of 3.1 customary miles) in a neighboring town. ⅗ of our rawther large family ran in the run: my *clenches jaw* charming little brother, aka bother; me, myself, and I; and my dear paternal unit. My 3-year-old li'l bro and mom stayed at home, although I'm SURE li'l Chaz did it with difficulty, seeing as he so would if he could run. My mumsie is a runner too, except I think she's more of the treadmill kind (I don't understand that! Why on this pink Earth would you want to run in front of a beautifully interesting WALL?! But to each their own, I surrrrpose...).
What happened to her head?!
Not gonna say it, not gonna say it... on Saturday, as you know because of my lovely repetition, I ran a 5K (my second), and BOY OH BOY was it HOT! Remember that post... I'm gonna tag it right now. Grumble grumble... Wheel, about the post "Thank Jolly Gum for Air Conditioning!", it wasn't as hot out, but it sure felt that way! The things that gave me energy were the nice denizens (haw haw! Thanks, dear thesaurus! You're always there in my time of mind-blank...) on the side of the street, handing out water in muy, muy lindas cups that I WOULD have saved because they had little blue fish that looked like squids on them, if not for the fact that I was in the middle of a run. Terribly inconvenient, if I do say so myself... but oh vell, oh vell. My time was 30:51, I placed 103rd (all right, alllll right) in the whole thing, and I had a 9:56-minute mile, boo-ya! It was completely awesometatious. Plus, I had two bitsy bags of salty and mmm-buttery popcorn because, according to the running expert that is my dear old dad, salt-slash-sodium is good for you after you run. Score!
Speaking of which, my dad scored *wait for it... waaait for it* TENTH in the WHOLE ENTIRE RUN!! Woot woot, Dad! You da man! :) And dear li'l Niffy Dear (as I like to call my brother to push his buttons) scored 93rd, which is awesome too. Great job, doooods!
Live life jes' swimmingly like squids on little blue cups! Squid jewelry for ya:
popcornly yours,
Pinky xx
So *ahem* anyhoodles, over the weekend I ran a 5K (the equivalent of 3.1 customary miles) in a neighboring town. ⅗ of our rawther large family ran in the run: my *clenches jaw* charming little brother, aka bother; me, myself, and I; and my dear paternal unit. My 3-year-old li'l bro and mom stayed at home, although I'm SURE li'l Chaz did it with difficulty, seeing as he so would if he could run. My mumsie is a runner too, except I think she's more of the treadmill kind (I don't understand that! Why on this pink Earth would you want to run in front of a beautifully interesting WALL?! But to each their own, I surrrrpose...).
Not gonna say it, not gonna say it... on Saturday, as you know because of my lovely repetition, I ran a 5K (my second), and BOY OH BOY was it HOT! Remember that post... I'm gonna tag it right now. Grumble grumble... Wheel, about the post "Thank Jolly Gum for Air Conditioning!", it wasn't as hot out, but it sure felt that way! The things that gave me energy were the nice denizens (haw haw! Thanks, dear thesaurus! You're always there in my time of mind-blank...) on the side of the street, handing out water in muy, muy lindas cups that I WOULD have saved because they had little blue fish that looked like squids on them, if not for the fact that I was in the middle of a run. Terribly inconvenient, if I do say so myself... but oh vell, oh vell. My time was 30:51, I placed 103rd (all right, alllll right) in the whole thing, and I had a 9:56-minute mile, boo-ya! It was completely awesometatious. Plus, I had two bitsy bags of salty and mmm-buttery popcorn because, according to the running expert that is my dear old dad, salt-slash-sodium is good for you after you run. Score!
Speaking of which, my dad scored *wait for it... waaait for it* TENTH in the WHOLE ENTIRE RUN!! Woot woot, Dad! You da man! :) And dear li'l Niffy Dear (as I like to call my brother to push his buttons) scored 93rd, which is awesome too. Great job, doooods!
Live life jes' swimmingly like squids on little blue cups! Squid jewelry for ya:

Pinky xx
Pop- Pop-Popcorn! (remember our popping song.) Anyhoodles I think u did good in the 5k. Also, SQUIDS ahhhhhh! *happy dance* You have to get me one of those cups. (only if you can though.) Sooo.... Your dad did really good too with the run and tell him I said, bravo. Going back to the SQUID concept. I think that squid outfit is beautiferio; love the colors.
RispondiEliminaP.S sorry for the whole squid thing I just got really excited over the squid concept. (knowing me) anyways peace! :)
Oh yeah!!! I loved that popping song. Oh, the good old band... what was it called again? I feel bad now! Oh vell.
EliminaSorry, AZ... I don't think I can get one of those cups, seeing as the race is over :D but I'll search for them online. Sound good? I'm sure they have Oriental Trading-type ones SOMEWHERE. I mean, c'mon! Everyone lurves a good squid! Especially Mrs. Klemchalk ;)
I'll definitely tell him you said bravo, bravo, bravissimo! and thanks for referencing le squid jewelry~
OHHHH I GET IT NOW! Guffaw! I understand why you're so, shall we say "into" squids right now. LOL
I have never ran a 5k but it sounds quite fun. Poor Charles Lolz. Who in the pink earth would want to do that? I have no clue where the head went, who in the world is that gurly?
RispondiEliminaYou should do one with me! We'd make an awesometatious team! Can't wait... I'm already planning, LOLz. Oh, so you don't know where the head went, huh? A likely tale. Maybe you ATE it!!! What gurly do you mean? It's a little clipart gurly on a little clipart treadmill, if that's what you mean. Ciao ciao!
EliminaUmmmm...hello?!? Mumsie is more of a treadmill kind? Ahem, but who exactly ran a 5-MILE run just last month? Hm? Who?
RispondiEliminaLo siento MUCHO, mi madre MUY simpática y atletica. USTED corre en el "corro" que era en mayo. Tu eres una corredora muy buena!
EliminaTay, I believe you had a Dr Seuss post sometime back. Here's a Dr Seuss quote you can apply to running (treadmill or streets)
RispondiElimina"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose."
Hey May! Nice time on your mile girl!!!!!! Coolio! and that place is really good, since there wer probs ..what...200, 250 peope running? Meh, idk, adios!
RispondiEliminaThanks, P-A-H-M! (Hope you don't mind the acronym... lurve your new title!) I appreciate the praise and I would do the same for you! Yeah, there were about 300 people running. Thanks for the laudatory comment!