'Ello, chappies! :)
Today was Field Day at skool (yeahhh, I'm cool! LOL), but it wasn't much fun because my only friend on my team was Oldman, and those who know her are aware of the fact that she is very serious about her sports. My idea of a "serious" time playin' sports is laughing maniacally with my friends, singing Airplanes (B.o.B) or Smooth Criminal (honestly. I don't need to tell you who sings this), and dancing the completely sonderbar *German! Ja!* dance--that I sorta kinda a little copied from Just Dance 3--to Back in Time (Pitbull). So we don't exactly see eye to eye in that department.
During the majority of the time, I basically walked around the field, looking lost... and it didn't exactly help that my whole team was great at basketball and soccer and all them apples, but I was the one bringing everyone down. A bad feeling, I tell you! :) But then the torture ended *whew! Finally...* and we had a partay-type-thing with pizza and Italian ices.
Now I have to lecture you guys on the hazards of Italian ices. One, I'm not even sure they're Italian (c'mon! Who can trust Americans anymore after we find out that fortune cookies originated from Japan?!), and if they are, they only came from Marco Polo bringing ideas to Emperor Nero, who liked to fiddle. Or maybe I'm just thinking of Principal Nero from the... (4th? 5th? Yeah...) 5th book in the Series of Unfortunate Events. Either way, I rest my case. Huh... who knew? An S.S. lesson! Chortle chortle guffaw!
Second point: it's disgustingly artificial! A bunch of my friends (you know who you are, Jezebel!) had jes' about three or four cups of Italian ice and their lips and teeth were all blue--hokay, that part was funny--but that's just... nasty! How can you eat so much airless flavor? I'm sure it's all just sugar and eventually we'll all have major cavities. Is it REALLY worth it?
So you guys gotta remind me to show you my new R2-D2 lunchbox! It's actually one of those tin ones that's so epically retro-rad and AWESOMETATIOUS! Can't wait to show y'all. I'm just too lazy to take pix right now. Haw haw... sorry :)
OH MY GUM!!! I actually just found it online! Here's a pic for all to see, and I'll share the story with you prettay soon. 
Thanks, geekalerts.com! I love how all the sites that showed up have either "nerd" or "geek" in them. eatsleepgeek.com, geekalerts.com, thatsnerdalicious.com (LOL!), geekextreme.com, absolutelygeeky.tumblr.com... very nice, guys! Stay geeky like my science teacher Mr. Doherty (you shoulda seen his face when I showed him R2-D2!)!
Pinky alla Moda xx
I just came to say hello! (LoL! that's from a song.) Anyways I was one of those people to eat all 3 flavors. (Along with someother people I know.) Also do u like Italian ice; because u should it's good! (haha that ryhms!) I know I already told u this but ...I love your lunchbox! LOVE mr.Doherty's face when he saw it. It was totally priceless!
RispondiEliminaHello Goodbye (Beatles, peace.) :)
What song is that? I'm embarrassed that I don't know, LOL. And honestly, *ahem* AZ! THREE whole flavors?! Nastiferous... I know, not a word. But if people didn't invent words, who would come up with them? And I lurve that rhyme. Thanks for the compliment, and Mr. Doherty was in HEAVEN, I tell you (heaven!) when I showed him ol' R2! I wish I had a camera! Alsoooo.... NICE BEATLES REFERENCE! I love that song! Right in the spirit of John Lemon, eh?
EliminaLOVE that post but i love italian ice so idk
RispondiEliminaThank you kindly, yet... wheel then, Miss Strong Opinions! No, don't worry. I love them good productive arguments! Wanna have more? Jes' kidding, I know you hate them... I guess you won't be on the debate club at school? Chortle chortle!
Eliminathat is tots not me lolz and maybe y will be and mat keeps saying wadufu to me
EliminaLOL yeahhh... probably not. I'm gonna join jazz band next year, and I'm trying to recruit my friends to as well. If only you were at this schooooool :(
EliminaAnd that's Matthew's *ahem* I like to have code names for everyone on here, so let's see... how 'bout Superwish? I'll give you that story later... so as I was saying, that's Superwish's problem.
heheh. When you said A social studies lesson above that was abbreviated, it spelt ass. It was : A S.S lesson
ook anyway, nice post. It was super dooper long... lol.
HEY MAY!!!! Hah! Jez was kinda wacky after that..read this JESS! Yes, the debut of your R2D2 lucnh box was pretty awesometatious! I'm so sorry I haven't been commenting girlie! Y'know, so many finals....*sigh*.. I guess that's it! ADIOS!