giovedì 27 dicembre 2012

Why The Newest HESS Vehicle is Too Cool for School

     I'm sure y'all have been watching TV over break (The Year Without a Santa Claus? Elf? Home Alone? Planes, Trains, and Automobiles? Seinfeld reruns? How come there are no Hanukkah movies, huh?) and have been observing plenty of commercials, unless you live in an out-of-civilization bungalow in the Alaskan tundra, which is pretty nifty if you ask me. Or if you're in Cancún with my almost-neighbor Laquifah, escaping the water and (heh heh) swine flu. Or if you're on safari in Africa, searching for coelacanths and geoducks like Little Miss Oreo. But if you're not in those debatably desirable scenarios, I would imagine you'd be spending some of your at-home time holed up in a room with a television set, watching holiday specials. So obviously y'all have seen the rated awesome HESS commercial! Every year at Christmas, my brothers (I have two) and cousins (all boys) get HESS trucks from my grandparents, and I must settle for something glittery and full of pink, fluffy stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with that. HAHAHA MOM! Okay. But y'know, this year I saw the commercial and my mind was ba-lown. *pshhh* Like that. It was so fabulous and cool, dude that I decided to dedicate an entire post to it. Watch and loooove! I'm so odd, I know. It's just one of my tics.

4 commenti:

  1. My brother gets hess trucks too! I got some lotion. Not there's anything wrong with that! lol Jerry Seinfeld ^_^

    1. Really? Is he also fangirling about the newest one at home? Tell him I said hi, and that Barca is awesome, power to España! And of course, a day can't be complete without a Jerry Seinfeld reference, yeah? How come no one our age even watches Seinfeld? It's RIDINKULOUS! We should definitely start a committee. "NOT WATCHING SEINFELD IS A SIN. NOT WEARING CORDUROY SKIRTS IS ALSO A SIN."

  2. heyy mayyy! Sounds just like the clothes i used to get! I always feel bad for people that celebrate Hanukkah, like "Christ,as carols, 24/7 p to Christmas day" No Hanukkah? C'mon guys! Pshhh. Just like that! :D Ohhhhhh taylor...only u...

    1. It's pretty disheartening to have to listen to nonstop Christmas music if you're totally Jewish, I would imagine, or Kwanzaanian, but I'm only a part Jew #j-eichner and besides, Christmas music is catchy, ya know? :) I appreciate the flattery, though! I think that's flattery... haha, did you like the mind blowing?
