mercoledì 26 settembre 2012

Polyvore Updates

Shout-out to everyone who's joined Polyvore! Gosh, there certainly are a lot...
Y'all are awesome! I do wish that @maxiecat and @tessrules4eva would get back on here because you both are awesome at it and Telt, you were the one who told me to JOIN Polyvore in the FIRST place! I hope you guys both realize that you are superbly fabulous at making sets, and come ba-a-a-a-ck! This wasn't much of a post, but I just wanted to say that I hope you're enjoying yourselves!

domenica 23 settembre 2012

Typewriter Thrills

   I really must stop with the blog-title alliterations, shouldn't I?
   So guys, the typewriter that I ordered on eBay last Monday came yesterday! It's a real beauty. Unfortunately, the ribbon is really not too good, so I can't type much until the ribbon comes, which I ordered just about 10 or 15 minutes ago, sooo we'll see how that works out. I can make indents in the paper (ooh, aah), but that's just about it for now. But that's fine; I'm perfectly content just gazing ecstatically at it on its perch on my desk. WOOT! 
   Yesterday we (Mom, Dad, me, and little brothers) went into the city for a seemingly cool Italian festival in Little Italy, and we had a great time. The festival itself was really crowded and chaotic and all that good stuff, so everyone was getting kind of meltdown-y. But the savory crepes and sights were both quite good! Fall rocks. There was this cool street vendor who sold little wrist cuffs sewed by her and her partner out of other clothes. My mom got a brown one with a zipper on it and I got a green one made out of a t-shirt. Here's a picture of that; I'm wearing it today--
 The website for the different accessories is right here, for those interested. It's a tad pricey, but it's a cool idea. They make wallets, necklaces, cuffs, and scarves all by themselves!

   We sat down at a little playground and ate crepes, pizza, and gigantic chunks of watermelon, and then my mom and I decided to go over to a nearby rice pudding place called Rice to Riches, only because it looked busy and my grandma (shout-out to Grandma, allo!) is always talking about it. It was deee-licious! They just had the coolest flavors and it tasted real good. My dad looked up the recipe for my favorite flavor, chocolate chip, so if we ever get around to making it, I'll post the recipe here! 
   Hope y'all liked the cuff, and if you ever venture out into the city and someone suggests Rice to Riches, don't be disgusted by the idea of rice pudding! This certain someone is a wise... person. Take the tip! 
Yours truly,

venerdì 21 settembre 2012

DIY: How to Find the Perfect Place

Watering the Japanese maple trees
   So what exactly do these places all have in common? Easy peasy. These little, oh-I-don't-know habitats are some of my favorite places! Today I have a bit of a DIY to help you lot find your favorite hiding spots. I've composed a list of places that I love and feel most happy, thoughtful and/or comfortable in. Be sure to share yours if you have any through comments! Note: these specials aren't in any particular order, so don't be all, "MY house should be number ONE because it's AWESOME; WHY isn't it even on the JOLLY-well darn LIST?!" and do an angry dance a la Billy Elliot. Just don't, please. 
                                                    ~The Infamous List~
1. Sitting in my Japanese maple tree, preferably listening to my portable radio and reading
2. Strolling around a posh city with GANGNAM STYLE
3. Dipping my feet in Jezebel's lake house lake
4. Eating mozzarella sticks at the kitchen counter
5. Gazing out my raindrop-encrusted window while listening to some alternative music (or Pink)
6. Swinging on any old abandoned park swing against the wind
7. This amazingly peaceful place called Land's End in San Francisco; it used to be this old baths place but now it's just kind of like a nature reserve
8. My comfy beige chair in my room where I listen to my iPod and write letters to acquaintances
   And d'you know what? That's about all I can think of right now, so let's get it started on the do-it-yourself part of this post. New paragraph...
   So it's pretty darn simple to discover what your favorite places are, but there are a few rules and regulations that you must perform first. Numero uno is to--obviously--listen to your favorite music, because if you're an avid music fan like me and every other tween/teen girl in this technology-based world, you know that listening to music is a temporary cure for almost any problem. Just turn on your musical device and listen to your choice of Michael Jackson (dur), or Maroon 5, or Queen, or the Archers of Loaf, or something along those lines. I repeat: easy peasy.
   Second rule of initiation--you should probably look around a lot. Y'know, just kind of examine what setting you're in. Say you're in New York City. If you check out all the noises and smells and buildings and such, you'll get a sense of whether or not you actually like the place you're in.
   Third rule--if you can, doodle a little, cause doodling is (a) fun and (b) superbly creative. And that's about all there is to it.
   Yours truly,

martedì 18 settembre 2012

Les Sketches (seriously pardon my French!)







These here are some of my sketches from San Francisco that I was telling y'all about. Now, I must give credit where credit is due because I didn't actually draw the outline of the people; my dad was superbly impressed with me because he thought I drew them. Here is a little roleplay I concocted that was based on the actual conversation. Starring TAFKA PINKY! And... Dad.
Dad: Wow. I mean, seriously, wow! How did you learn to sketch like this?!
Me: *smiles bashfully* Um, well, it's not that good...
Dad: Yes it is! I mean, how did you get the eyes to look like that? (On this certain sketch, I had just happened to give the girl cat-eye makeup, so I thought he was talking about that.)
Me: I dunno. But it's kind of messy. Not that good.
Dad: Well, okaaaay... may I ask why you outlined them all in pink instead of pencil?
Me: Um, I didn't. I didn't actually draw that part, just the clothes, hair, and makeup.
Dad: WHATTA?! Um. Oh. Well... the clothes are... nice. *lumbers off*
So, yeah. That's the story... thanks, Dad! I hope y'all like these sketches. Be sure to comment which one(s) are your favorites, por favor. Thanks for listening! --TAFKA Pinky

domenica 16 settembre 2012

100th Post feat. Awesome Etsy Squid Card

   Hello again! What up, world? (This is my attempt of a normal, inconspicuous blog post in which I have not in any way, shape or form left all you devoted people hanging and longing for the return of the Blogger Formerly Known As Pinky--all you oldies music fans will understand thatta one. But I thank you so very muchly for keeping with this blog and begging me to post at school, over email, over snail mail, and over private blog. Thanks, dear AZ Flyer, for giving me a great comment like that! It made my day. Er, night. Whatever, it was politely pleasant and overall enjoyable. Better?
   So today is my dad's birthday (you're young at heart), and for a birthday present he got a beautiferous new car. It is the color of fresh snow, and I'm currently thinking of a name for it, and I think a heroic name would be the Batmobile, so you know what, I think I'll stick with that. Happy birthday, dear Dad! 1x1.trans Birthday Card Roundup Just for the record, I seriously want this card. But it's yours. :-)
So one of the reasons why I brought this up is because (a) we're going hiking when my dad gets back from his "birthday run" so I have a nice and casual hiking outfit--a purple t-shirt tucked into my mint shorts with a sleek black belt from--what else?--H&M. This creepy picture was made on Polyvore--like the skull and the Squid Shower Caddy? HAH. Likee? And by the wa-a-a-ay, guys! Can you believe the monumentality of this moment: thisee here is my 100th post. You guys are the best for sticking with this blog for, like, forever. I'm going to attempt to name all of you now!
dfsdf*PAHM    *Nicole Vad     *AZ Flyer         *Amour
*EJ     *Telt the Pelt aka Tess     *Jezebel       *Rocker123 (we miss you so!)        *Emily and Sophie
*Mum and Dad         *Graham Cracker        *umm... Griffin        *Haley          *and others who have dropped in and out of what my dad likes to call the blogosphere. T. A. F. K. A. Pinky loves you all <3 p="p">

domenica 9 settembre 2012

Sewing the Gap.

    Oh my gawsh, guys! I'm so sorry!
I haven't posted in AGES. Centuries, almost!
Sad story: one of my friends (cough cough, Amour) actually said they forgot about my blog 'cause I never posted, and honestly? I don't blame her at all. I guess I was just taking that fabled "break" that I always blabbered on about. Well, OK. Enough of this. Again, I'm terribly sorry about not blogging (un-blogging?) and I hope we'll all be getting back in the groove, through no fault of everyone else's!
   Sooo. . . California! That week was the BEST. We first stopped at a somewhat-lousy Sheraton in San Diego after the looooong flight (which was made tolerable by the delicious Auntie Anne's almond  pretzels that my parents bought for us three kids), where we slept on disagreeable pullout couches with the bars pressing uncomfortably into our backs (SEINFELD! TESS!). And for breakfast? Underwhelming croissants from Starbucks as the five of us argued over the two chairs and the TABLE of our hotel room. The TABLE.
   Yes, I admit that I'm a hotel snob.
   But anyway, we traveled through San Diego and L.A. (we saw Michael Jackson's star! Happy dance) which was just peachy, but then we came to SAN. FRAN. CISCO. . . cue the epiphany music. It rocked. Seriously, y'all, it just rocked. Let's just start off by saying it was total jeans weather, which you guys know I love, so it was all fall-y and cosmopolitan, but the fashion! OH GOD, THE FASHION!!* (Whee! My first footnote! Hah.) While in my glorious San Franciscan hotel room, Griffin and Father watching Gator Boys uh-gain and Mother took some "alone time" aka shopping at Macy's and Ross, I sketched some fashions and made a list of San Francisco high-fashion dos and don'ts, which I'll enclose later on (maybe next post?). But the main verdicts of awesomeness? Tights. And studded stuff. But HECK YA, the tights fashions were AWESOME, guys! Sorry for using so many caps, but they were a-w-e-s-o-m-e. I love San Francisco so much. And another seriously cool part? For all you Robin Williams fans out there--we actually went to the house of Mrs. Doubtfire and the lovable Hillard family consisting of Lydia, Christopher, and Natalie!!!!
   ... even though I was a tad... shall we say cautious and refused to lean on the railings like Mom and Dad wanted me to, I swear it was still a magical moment.
   I think this is all I'm going to post for now. Again, so sorry about the little break that I took; I'm back now, so everyone start blogging! Tess, Emily and Nicole, your blogs look great and, well, tessiloveyourlittleknapsackcontraptionsoooomuch. Adieu.
*Jezebel... this is a spinoff of a Chris Colfer quote and Glee reference, which you should be quite familiar with!