martedì 1 maggio 2012

Mysterious Weather: The Story of the Rainy, Cold Climate to the Sunny and Warm (hey! Am I complaining?)

Happy May, everyone! *Whew* it's kind of hard to get back in the groove of school and homework and all that after having ASK testing and no homework for a week. I'm pretty exhausted all day and I finish most of my homework while waiting for the bus after school ends in the caf, hyperventilating, holding my messenger bag (Romero Britto, bay-bee! LOL he's an awesome artist), jacket, and pencil and worrying that they're going to call, "Bus 2! BUS 2!" But I'll survive... I hope... 
The due date for my science project's data is coming closer and closer, and my super-fabulous experimenting plan caved in all of a sudden. So now I'm stuck with some unbaked cakes, a questionnaire, and an oncoming deadline. Yahoo!
I'm sorry to be so negative on the first day of May--May!!--but this is just my warped way of being happy that school is PRACTICALLY over (in just seven weeks, says my S.S. teacher). So, fabulous! I've started a countdown in my room (very artsy, of course, and drawn with my trusty BIC permanent markers. Thanks, Dad!), but it was way off according to my family and math-genius brother. I put 50 days because I added up the 31 days in May and the first 19 of June, but apparently that wasn't right. Well, not a big deal! Nothing wrong with happily crossing out some extra days, right? Of course not! I'm not really sure what to post about right now, so I guess I'll be going. I'm SO sorry, faithful bloggers... blog y'all later!

8 commenti:

  1. YAY! Now i must count how many weeks today to june 19 is!!!!!!

    1. OK! The number of school days (again, my not-so-hot math skills) until the 19 is *I beLIEVE* 33. Or possibly 32. Thanks!

  2. Risposte
    1. Thanks! I don't think I do at the moment, but I'll keep that in mind!

  3. Hey may!! Wanna know what's special about this month? Your nick-name sake is this month! I'm with ya on the whole coutdown!! Summer has to come! Adios!

    1. Oh yeah! I just realized that! Hey May, it's May... :D how did you come up with that name again? Because I look like I was born in May? VIVA SUMMER!!!
