mercoledì 20 giugno 2012

My Summer Beach Pail List

     Hallo, meine Freunde! Today's post shall indeed be inspired by my fellow bloggers Emily and Sophie, whose blog is at, and is a fabulous mix of fashion, art, and real life, just like mine. Check it out! So Emily decided to make a bucket list of sorts, or a to-do list for SUMMER OH BEAUTIFUL SUMMER, and I've decided to do so as well, seeing as school ended for me yesterday. *woot woot* I'm going to call it a "beach pail list" (thanks, dear Mom, for coming up with that fetching title!) rawther than a bucket list, because it won't take up my entire life :) I surrrpose I'll have a lot more time on my hands now that school's over, so that's a good thing for all you avid blog readers out there! A great big shout out to youuuu...
     So, without further ado, I present to you *drumroll please* my summer bucket list. Taaah-daaah:
1) Run at least 3 miles every week 
2) Read all the books on my Classics List
  -books such as Gone with the Wind (which I finished! Next on the list: the 4-hour movie recommended by my friend Francesca), Anne of Green Gables, Treasure Island, A Wrinkle in Time, and Fahrenheit 451
3) Take a bunch of road trips con mi familia, such as our Boston trip
4) Work on my plentiful art projects (Amour knows what I'm talking about!), such as Project Duct Tape, Project Newspaper Bowl, Project Sock Puppets, and Project Finger Knitting
5) Volunteer at my library a few times a week, and maybe help out with story hour there
6) Complete allllll my summer work early, even if it kills me in the process
7) Bake delicious cookies and such from my cute cookbook that shows you how to make boring ol' sugar cookies into Peppermint Pigs or Sci-Fi Squids (well, I must confess that I made the latter up, BUT I will try to make it a reality!)
8) Plan my next year's locker theme... I know what you're thinking: wha?! Well, I like to do some things in advance, that's all I'm sayin'...
9) Keep on Polyvore-ing and, of course, BLOGGING!
10) Write a must-haves list, such as an M.I.T. shirt and a Star Wars DVD or two on hand at all times from la biblioteca (library for all you non-Spanish speakers)
     OK guys, that's just about all I can think of right now! I'll let you know if I come up with anything else. See y'all later!
stay unexpected like Scarlett O'Hara's many moods,
Pinky xx

13 commenti:

  1. Hehe... I think I like your bucket---Oh, excuse me, BEACH PAIL list better than mine >3< Also, on a completely un-related note, I'm going to decorate my locker next school year using a bunch of black & white comic strips from my favorite comic, Calvin & Hobbes :3

    1. Hey, thanks! But I gotta disagree with you on one point: yours was definitely better and more rounded. But still... That's an awesometatious locker idea! I've always loved Calvin and Hobbes, my favorite characters being Calvin, followed by whichever alien he encounters AND his babysitter whose name I currently forget (Rose? Lynn? Roselynn? I have NO idea, lawl).

    2. Oh! AND the gross green stuff Mom always makes Calvin eat which always comes alive.

    3. And attacks him with a spoon... LOL X3


    1. Thanks! Do YOU have a beach pail list to share? Or at least one eensy weensy goal? Do tell...

  3. Waz up pinkster! Anyhoodles Hope u get to do everything on your bucket pail list thing. U HAVE TO tell your mom to make her awesome BANANA BREAD! Also I've read the wrinkle in time series and I think u should read it to. Also *knowing moi* I've already started doing my summer homework. I do it every morning til twelve O'clock in the afternoon. K that's it chow for now! :)

    1. Hmm... not too much going on with me, but... I'm so proud of you for doing your homework, haw haw :) Probably cause I've barely started... I actually did most of it (well, more like half) that day at school! But still... I'm reading my non-fiction SR book as we speak/type! I'm a-gonna beg my mom to bake some banana bread, don't you worry! She's been in a baking mood lately (if that counts as a "mood"), so I'll try my best! Thanks :) Chow to youuuu too!

  4. Hey Pinky, thanks for the shoutout! Emily and I really appreciate it. And I love your beach pail list... Hope you see tons of rainbow unicorns this summer! :)

    1. Oh, anytime! I must give credit where credit is due, after all... I wish the same to you, and I'm quite sure I'll see a ton of unicorns, narwhals, and (of course, typical me XD) NUDIBRANCHES! :) bye for now....

    2. Sorry about that, I was in the wrong account...

  5. Hey May! K, so don't 4get to let me know ehen you volunteer! AND everything sounds good there, but you left ot one teennsy weensy itty bitty detail for a FASHONISTA! You NEED to shop, girl! :) Ok, well happy summer and polyvore on!Adios!

    1. Hey, PAHM (this your official title now? Radical! :0)! Well, my schedule for the library iiiis... next Monday from 10am to undetermined time, and next Tuesday from 12 to 3! :) See you (possibly?)! And I usually will be volunteering on MOndays and Wednesdays, in case you was a-wonderin'. *smacks forehead* GAK!!!! I forgot to write "shop!" *hyperventilating*
      Happy summer to you as vell :)
