mercoledì 18 aprile 2012

Michael Jackson is Made Famous at Track Practice

Now normally, I would be excited for track, but not if it's raining. I've had enough bad experiences (mostly involving muddy me and muddy shot puts) to discover that track + rain don't mix. But I guess I'll just have to tough up and try to enjoy myself. Not that hard, right? :) Today's practice will probably be filled to the brim with smiles, sneakers, and funny impersonations of Michael Jackson (the best one is me and my friends moonwalking our warm-up lap and singing our own version of Smooth Criminal). That sounds pretty good to me! See you guys soon!

stay cool,

P.S. Wish me luck on my oral prez tomorrow!! *Yikes*

4 commenti:

  1. Hey May! I like it too. :) Luck! Adios

  2. Hey May!
    EEKEEKEEKEEKEEKEEKEEKIMAGLEEK! Can you BELIEVE what happened? *Gasp!* Adios!

    1. Whaddaya mean?? You're leaving me on a cliffhanger!

    2. OHHHHH I geddit now! I didn't catch the 'Imagleek' part. Umm... which part might you be talking about? You mean Finn's college choice?
